More CS:S In December


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Erik Johnson popped in over at CS-Nation and dropped some information about the next major content update to CS:S.
We're working on porting some more of the classic maps right now, currently de_prodigy is in the works. We'll be releasing this as quickly as they are completed.[br]
We're also working on one original map, which will begin internal playtesting this week. This still means we have a fair amount of work to do on it.[br]
We're also working on two updated player models.[br]
Most of this is scheduled to be released in the December timeframe.
You can catch the original comments over here.
Let's hope it's true :) de_prodigy is my favorite map next to docks. Maybe aztec2 is coming later on.
a few new maps ..that's nice and all but what about new gametypes? I've never found CS to be all that exciting gameplay types might help spark my interest
Great! It's nice to know Valve is working hard to turn CS:Source into the absolutely goodness that CS used to be. Now if only they made a new cs_docks... mmmmmmm
this blows.. we need more than 2 player models more... what a half-assed multiplayer this is
december? what an absolute joke. how can it take them that long to update a few player models? and maps. this means it'll still be in a crappy incomplete state for the hl2 release.

people are going to be a little confused.
Wesisapie said:
december? what an absolute joke. how can it take them that long to update a few player models? and maps. this means it'll still be in a crappy incomplete state for the hl2 release.

people are going to be a little confused.

yea .... its kinda ofa bummer ;(
Sounds good. More stuff is always welcome :)
And to all the retards complaining about the time frame... I'm sure you'd be the first to whine if the content wasn't spot on.
Not happy at the current state of the game... not happy when someone mentions that it's going to be up-dated.
If you could model or map you'd probaly be less likely to utter such rubbish. You don't like the time frame?
Make your own maps and models!
Sheesh... theres no way of making some people happy.
December isn't that far. When they'll finally release Half-Life2 you won't even care about CS:S anymore. And Valve will release the SDK about the same time they release HL2 and people will start making Guns models / Players models and maps as quick as possible. Map that are designed with Source. Not a old map with updated texture and some barrells there and here... You'll see much more better maps than the 5 years old de_prodigy.

Most of the reviewers finished the game in about 20-25Hours. And they all said you could spend EASLY 30hours on the game only by playing with the physics... Personally I'm going to play at the highest difficulty and I might play alot with the physics... So it could take about 40hours... Let's say I'm playing 1hour per day... 5 days a week... (Yes 1 hour per day, I do have friends/job and a girlfriend :) )

December isn't that far... (For those who have a life)

/Just kidding :)
Sweet stuff. Cant wait to see the remake and the new maps.
Interesting. So Counter Strike: Source really *wasn't* finished when they released it. So much for Doug's "We released it because it was ready" comment. I really can't stand that guy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about new content--just having more player models will be nice--but come on. It was ready? Give me a break.
Mountain Man said:
Interesting. So Counter Strike: Source really *wasn't* finished when they released it. So much for Doug's "We released it because it was ready" comment. I really can't stand that guy.

thats a good point, they did say it was ready. i didnt know so much was missing because i dont have it yet, but thats poor releasing an unfinished game, how many maps are there to play? just Aztec, Dust and Dust2? And thats whats being released into shops.... :dozey:
No, there are quite a few more maps than that--around a dozen I believe. I'm not saying the game is unplayable or in a noticably unfinished state. In fact, it's a hell of lot of fun, but it doesn't have all the content of the game it's replacing. Imagine if Unreal Tournament 2004 was released with only half the content of Unreal Tournament 2003 with the promise, "We'll release the rest later." Would you really consider it a suitable replacement for the previous game?

To be honest, I'm not upset they released it early. In fact, I'm quite glad they did. I'm just a bit ticked at Doug's aversion to honest answers.
as_oilrig > de_prodigy

I wonder what nifty stuff they are going todo to prodigy?
Tlaloc said:
this blows.. we need more than 2 player models more... what a half-assed multiplayer this is

Didn't realize player models made the game.
He is right though, only 2 player models :/

Im *hoping*, like Bungie, most of the staff are taking there holiday, thus they arent running at full capacity.
azz0r said:
He is right though, only 2 player models :/

Im *hoping*, like Bungie, most of the staff are taking there holiday, thus they arent running at full capacity.

Remember, though, a large portion of the Valve team is currently working on the SDK as well. I'm sure that they want that out just as much, or even more, than new maps for CS:S. I have a feeling that once HL2 gets out, along with the SDK, they will be able to spend more time getting other stuff done.
December timeframe? Is it supposed to be a Christmas gift or Chanukah gift?
Prodigy... out of all the maps we wanted he picked prodigy... what a tard.
fizzlephox said:
December timeframe? Is it supposed to be a Christmas gift or Chanukah gift?

If it's a Chanukah gift, they'd better have one map for each of the eight days. :LOL:

Really though, this time frame is bound to speed up, but it might take until 2005 to get the ball really rolling.
Oh ffs guys, Valve and those affiliated with them and cs:s are hard at work making content for this game and supporting it to the best of their abilities, and all you can do is be negative.

Mountain Man said:
Interesting. So Counter Strike: Source really *wasn't* finished when they released it. So much for Doug's "We released it because it was ready" comment. I really can't stand that guy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about new content--just having more player models will be nice--but come on. It was ready? Give me a break.
I think he meant ready as in "playable" which it is. If you don't want him to lie would you have instead prefered that they didn't release anything at all until at least December?
sing me something soft
sad and elegant
loud and out of key
sing me anything
Good to see new maps & models coming.. I'd like to see de_train & de_nuke soon.. what i'd really loke to see is some of the cool exploding barrels from HL2 in CSS maps.. that would be cool, shoot a barrel when ur enemy runs past.. kaboom!!! crack.. no more enemy.. LOL
why dont they put more effort into releasing cs2 rather than bringing the old cs back to life
Mountain Man said:
No, there are quite a few more maps than that--around a dozen I believe. I'm not saying the game is unplayable or in a noticably unfinished state. In fact, it's a hell of lot of fun, but it doesn't have all the content of the game it's replacing. Imagine if Unreal Tournament 2004 was released with only half the content of Unreal Tournament 2003 with the promise, "We'll release the rest later." Would you really consider it a suitable replacement for the previous game?

To be honest, I'm not upset they released it early. In fact, I'm quite glad they did. I'm just a bit ticked at Doug's aversion to honest answers.

He's into marketing. Lying is his job.
So; some have said that they'd rather have good models instead of bad models and that it's worth the wait. Take a look at the current models; oh man, I guess the detail put into them must've taken a lot of work. I'm wondering what the hell those guys are doing. Sure enough, the maps are detailed and probably need quite a bit of work(although these details are not gameplay-affecting and therefore aren't that great). But what's the Goddamn deal with not implementing more player models? If they have that much problems, the statement that HL2 is very mod-friendly is another lie. In case someone replies with "they want to release it at the same time", here's an answer: Why wait? And why not make more player models for the initial [Steam] release?
tang0 said:
why dont they put more effort into releasing cs2 rather than bringing the old cs back to life

Because there are so many gamers who still actively play CS 1.6, and who would pass up a marketing opportunity like that? I'm not saying Gabe is a bad person for doing that, he just doesn't leave the great games to rot. Think of what would have happened if he just released HL2 without CS:S and HL:S. Fans everywhere would be shouting at him and sending him poop through his mail box.

Also to everyone else bitching about the december period. How about Gabe reads all these comments, decides it was a bad idea to release the "filler" in the mean time to keep all you rabid dogs quiet, and takes it off the steam master servers. That would be a good idea, wouldn't it. Sheesh, stop being so blinking greedy.

CS2 will most likely be released around HL3 time by my estimates - When the graphics of the source engine are updated. Who would want an expansion pack to CSS with the same graphics and just a few new styles of play.

The SDK will let you create your own as_oilrig and de_train as quick as anything. Just don't expect to make a CSS quality map in 5 minutes, from a game over 5 years old.
The Mullinator said:
I think he meant ready as in "playable" which it is. If you don't want him to lie would you have instead prefered that they didn't release anything at all until at least December?
False dilemma. I like that they released it early, but would it really have been so hard for Doug to simply admit that it was incomplete but playable? "We wanted to give our fans the chance to play the game early, and we will be releasing more complete content in the coming months" is far preferrable to the blatantly misleading "We released it because it was ready."
The news post on the front page for this thread has December mis-spelled.

what are we? some two-bit, second rate fan-boi site, now?

Wesisapie said:
december? what an absolute joke. how can it take them that long to update a few player models? and maps. this means it'll still be in a crappy incomplete state for the hl2 release.

people are going to be a little confused.

I supposed if valve wasn't bound by vivendi people wouldnt be so confused. The problem is until they release half life 2 they are, so don't expect to many answers until than.

As for people talking about incomplete and not. CS has never been complete its the nature of cs. When you have all the maps and all the models from old cs, than it will still not be complete because they will still add new maps with new gametypes. New changes more fixes, new patches that break things and fixes to fix them. Expect another 5 years of patches. Now if it were another developer relying on 1 year post release publisher support for patches, i could understand the complaints here. But valve had done somthing no other developer/publisher is willing to do. Support their games throughout their life time.