More DM Weapons?

Jul 28, 2004
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Im posting this here because not many people view the deathmatch section,

Im enjoying the hell outa the deathmatch but i want MORE WEAPONS! :sniper: Im hearing abotu really cool weapons in the sdk like stickybombs "bombs u can place on enemies and detonate at will" , rifles , stunbatons , etc. I personally would love to see ( tripmines , Antlionspores , tau , Jumppack ) in DeathMatch along with the cool sdk weapons. My question is does anyone know if these items will be added into the official DM ? Im pretty sure mods will have them but right now im interested in the official DM. thanks

(not saying the dm isnt fun - im addicted already!!)
Supposivly, Adrian from Valve stated they will be adding in the Crowbar and Stunbaton.
But thats all I know about more weapons.
