More HL2 release date stuff


Sep 13, 2003
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I'd just like to point to the "Info from Valve" thread, as some of the emails are fairly interesting. The most recent one, submitted by wbcheater, pretty blatantly shows gabe saying "its shipping this summer." One before that from PiMuRho alsocites him as saying its not delayed. Frankly its the least ambiguous responses I've seen from gabe ever ;P
_saturn_ is my master
Also one regarding new footage at e3, confirmed by doug. so yeah. Perhaps some folks should read that before making wild speculation :)

Its pretty interesting stuff, and I think should hopefully put our fears to rest. 'course gabe also said "september 30" god knows how many times ;P
Just remember that this is what their current plan is. Plans can change. Personally, I sort of wish they'd not do a big e3 showing and just surprise us with the stuff in the game when it comes out.
What is this 'saturn_ is my master' stuf, cybersh33p?

Btw, the only thing i fear is the carrot.
Apos said:
Just remember that this is what their current plan is. Plans can change. Personally, I sort of wish they'd not do a big e3 showing and just surprise us with the stuff in the game when it comes out.

hear hear, but if they did I think it could help their image greatly.
Apos said:
Just remember that this is what their current plan is. Plans can change. Personally, I sort of wish they'd not do a big e3 showing and just surprise us with the stuff in the game when it comes out.

You are right. They probably are spending a good month or so preparing their new E3 demo. They could be using that time to finish up the game a month early.

Anyways, I think it is too late for Valve to rescue their image. They have had way too many debacles (CS:CZ, steam) and perceived debacles (HL2) for them to ever fix their image. I think they are doing E3 because we (as fans) are demanding something new.
lol, I love how Gabe says hl2 isn't delayed. I guess it must be on schedual then :LOL:
blahblahblah said:
You are right. They probably are spending a good month or so preparing their new E3 demo. They could be using that time to finish up the game a month early.

Anyways, I think it is too late for Valve to rescue their image. They have had way too many debacles (CS:CZ, steam) and perceived debacles (HL2) for them to ever fix their image. I think they are doing E3 because we (as fans) are demanding something new.

I don't think everyone is working on the e3 demo. I think it will have little to no effect on when the game will be released. But I think it will amaze us yet again, and still only a fraction of how much HL2 itself will.
Pseudonym_ said:
lol, I love how Gabe says hl2 isn't delayed. I guess it must be on schedual then :LOL:

For its summer date, yes. Stop being a troll/attempting to flame. :|
he brings up a good point.
what good is a promise if promises have been broken before?

I don't mind, i just think its worth considereing. Planet hallife has other good exampels listed. no flaming about sites plse :(
Yes, it's right on schedual for it's summer date, as it was for it's sept. 30 date a week before the 30th, and as it was on schedual for it's holiday season date according to Doug, and I'm sure it will be on schedual for it's winter 2004 date after summer rolls by. :LOL:

I'm not saying it won't come out this summer, I'm only saying that at this point Gabe's word on the release is as valuable as Amazon's, or Best Buy's. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
errr....where does Gimli say that?
Pseudonym_ said:
Yes, it's right on schedual for it's summer date, as it was for it's sept. 30 date a week before the 30th, and as it was on schedual for it's holiday season date according to Doug, and I'm sure it will be on schedual for it's winter 2004 date after summer rolls by. :LOL:

I'm not saying it won't come out this summer, I'm only saying that at this point Gabe's word on the release is as valuable as Amazon's, or Best Buy's. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Why are you even here? :|
I cant believe people still believe Gabe, take his words with a grain of salt. Lmao, summer 2004, good luck with that hope. 2005 at the earliest.
We aren't blindly following every word from Valve as the absolute truth, but there are some people at this forum who like to entertain a certain degree of optimism. Sure, it was delayed before. I still think it's going to come out this summer. Why argue about something neither you nor I knows anything about?
Pseudonym_ said:
Why are you even here? :O

Why would you ask that? I am here because I choose to be.

You seem to be anti-VALVe, anti-HL2, pro-D3, so.. again, I reiterate.. why are you even here?
Don't be rediculous, I have never expressed an anti-hl2 attitude. I have every hope for hl2 being a great game as I do for Doom³ being a great game. I hope they are both fantastic infact, because I intend to buy both.

Nor am I really anti-Valve, I just feel that Valve is anti-me, as in anti-community. I like valve for their talent, but I despise them for their policy and conduct. However, what I feel about valve has little to nothing to do with how I feel about hl2. I am here in anticipation, and to attempt to carry on productive conversations, however difficult that may be on such a forum as this, with others who share my hobby of gaming. I hope that answers all of your questions sir.
Shuzer said:
You seem to be anti-VALVe, anti-HL2, pro-D3, so.. again, I reiterate.. why are you even here?
To troll, to start fights, to be difficult and try to annoy as many people as he can.
Pseudonym_ said:
Why are you even here? :O

He is a vet here ...he is known and repsected here. He is here becuase he brings something to this community(like most others here).

You do not seem to add anything to this community.

So his question is valid. Yours is not.
Spiffae said:
To troll, to start fights, to be difficult and try to annoy as many people as he can.

Bah. If everyone agreed with everyone else then what would be the fun of forums? What would be the point of forums? Arguing helps pass the time and I welcome trolls as an opportunity for people to get off their asses and think through their arguments a bit. If you're not secure enough in your position to fend off a few trolls then maybe you better reconsider your points.
Gossoon said:
Bah. If everyone agreed with everyone else then what would be the fun of forums? What would be the point of forums? Arguing helps pass the time and I welcome trolls as an opportunity for people to get off their asses and think through their arguments a bit. If you're not secure enough in your position to fend off a few trolls then maybe you better reconsider your points.

After listening to about 50 people with the same attitude. It gets a bit annoying.

Its much easiar to ban them or ask them to leave than it is to argue with all 50 of them.
crabcakes66 said:
After listening to about 50 people with the same attitude. It gets a bit annoying.

Its much easiar to ban them or ask them to leave than it is to argue with all 50 of them.

I'm glad you're not a judge. Or are you...?
I cant believe people still believe [[Lucky]], take his words with a grain of salt. Lmao, summer 2005, good luck with that hope. 2006 at the earliest.

CyberSh33p said:
I'd just like to point to the "Info from Valve" thread, as some of the emails are fairly interesting. The most recent one, submitted by wbcheater, pretty blatantly shows gabe saying "its shipping this summer." One before that from PiMuRho alsocites him as saying its not delayed. Frankly its the least ambiguous responses I've seen from gabe ever ;P
_saturn_ is my master
Also one regarding new footage at e3, confirmed by doug. so yeah. Perhaps some folks should read that before making wild speculation :)

Its pretty interesting stuff, and I think should hopefully put our fears to rest. 'course gabe also said "september 30" god knows how many times ;P

Why is the sentence _saturn_is my master in dimgray colour? Is it kind of subliminal message? I've noticed it after selecting the text with the mouse.
it's the dumbest thing i've seen anyone do...perhaps even ever, wait thats a lie.
crabcakes66 said:
After listening to about 50 people with the same attitude. It gets a bit annoying.

Its much easiar to ban them or ask them to leave than it is to argue with all 50 of them.

Completely agreed.

Now back to the topic.. I havn't checked out that thread in a few days now, and after reading a few of the last posts, I can't wait! Even though Valve has missed a few release dates in the past, I don't find them to be inaccurate at all. The release dates they give, in my opinion, are truthful in the sense that they expect the project to be completed at that time, however optimistic. They've been on to this Summer release for a while, and I'd be surprised if they miss it.
exactly! there seems to be a lot more stirring behind the scenes this time, at Sept 30th last year there was this desperation in the air, i dunno...anyways this time there seems to be a lot more promotion being pushed out, could be we are all a lot happier soon.
People think if you say anything bad about Valve or Gabe you are implying that they in some way ARENT HUMAN! :O But they would rather have you believe Gabe is half man half amazing! :borg: Some people jump on my back because I dont think Valve is run by the 'Angels in the outfield' but instead by humans. Great at making games...horrible at supporting the people that support them. I can only be won by action, not words and empty promise. Valve, want to win me over? (which I doubt they do) Release HL2 at $20 for the first day, to award the people who have been patient and following every step, for I would not be here if I did not care.
amneziac85 said:
People think if you say anything bad about Valve or Gabe you are implying that they in some way ARENT HUMAN! :O But they would rather have you believe Gabe is half man half amazing! :borg: Some people jump on my back because I dont think Valve is run by the 'Angels in the outfield' but instead by humans. Great at making games...horrible at supporting the people that support them. I can only be won by action, not words and empty promise. Valve, want to win me over? (which I doubt they do) Release HL2 at $20 for the first day, to award the people who have been patient and following every step, for I would not be here if I did not care.
Better still, they could give you the source code, float themelves on the stock market and give you all the shares for free and then make you the central character! Amazing!

Some people are just so greedy.
amneziac85 said:
Wow...people here just (lol) do. not. like. me. (lol)

It's not that they don't like you. It's that you make wild unsubstantiated theories and try to pass them off at fact. You see, this tends to get on people's nerves.
Neutrino said:
It's not that they don't like you. It's that you make wild unsubstantiated theories and try to pass them off at fact. You see, this tends to get on people's nerves.

Why must you follow me in every thread I am in with a post insulting me with insinuating words? Prove you are above a typing monkey and ignore me. :cheers:
umop said:
Even though Valve has missed a few release dates in the past, I don't find them to be inaccurate at all. The release dates they give, in my opinion, are truthful in the sense that they expect the project to be completed at that time, however optimistic. They've been on to this Summer release for a while, and I'd be surprised if they miss it.

Same here. I still have faith in valve. I think they have screwed up plenty...but they are human. They are a business, so what matters in the end is the Bottom Line. Doing something they love is just a bonus. welcome to the real world kids. You are lucky that this company is trying so hard make your 50$ worth it. When so many companys(for any product or service) dont give a shit about the quality of what they sell you beyond the point that they start to lose money.

I think 90% of these idiots that bash valve went out and bought 9800s or other hardware and now have a grudge against them.They have played the leak so they think they are experts on all that is HL2. So we get rumours based on incomplete half-truths that were really lies etc etc.....

Wich these guys try to spin off as facts. "Oh i know, i cant say how...but trust me i know" heheheh :thumbs: stfu ;)
well im fairly optimistic about HL geting out this year, i hope we get it this summer ...

IMO, if valve planed a year ago to release it sept 30th they must have had more of the game finished than leekd out as a "prebeta" , why else would they set a date so soon if they only had a bugy engine and a fistfull of half-levels. and they made a deal with ATI forthose cupons (they must have had a contract in which ATI is protected in case the game delays too long). its now more than 7 months since that leek debacle and if they were working on HL2 hard at valve i see no reason for the game not to get out this year
amneziac85 said:
Why must you follow me in every thread I am in with a post insulting me with insinuating words? Prove you are above a typing monkey and ignore me. :cheers:

Dude ffs stop being such a drag, you are literally ruining my high, every post is like the whinings of the bullied kid who doesn't get the fact people hate him because he starts shit for no reason. If you could just chill out and make reasonable posts that didn't insult anybody and engaged decent debate then it would be great.

We have no reason to tear into you, why the **** would anyone want to waste their breath? Just sit back and have a little look see at where the source of the problem is.