More "No More Room In Hell"


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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Being one of the most anticipated mods around, No More Room In Hell constantly manages to create an air of tingling excitement whenever the team comes up with another piece to show what they've been working with.
This time the focus is on on the mod's non-player-character SWAT troopers; the mean, green AI fighting machines who won't refuse to put up a fight against the pesky zombies:

"In "No More Room in Hell" SWAT Officers take on the role of NPCs (Non-Player Characters) and are among the most skilled allies that can possibly team up with you. Having received specialized and extensive firearm training they can prove to be very effective in combat situations. Unlike most civilian NPCs though, SWAT Officers will often act on their own and will not let players order them around which should be no surprise since players are in most cases just civilians. SWAT Officers will always do their utmost to protect the lives of everyone under their safe guard. Of course, SWAT Officers are still only human and as such are not immune to the zombie infection. Once bitten they become infected and upon their death they soon return as zombies..."

This means you will be glad to have these badasses on your side as long as they don't get too close to those zombies and their infectous bites, after which they'll be a real tough cookie considering the well protecting body armor. But as every zombie movie aficianado would say; Aim for the head!
Here's a pair of screenshots showcasing the well-made SWAT model, as well as another displaying what they'll look like after being turned into zombies.
The difference between friend or foe can be a thin line...[br]

[br]Another treat is this incredible audio track by the team Sound Artist, TripleFiveSoul:
"TripleFiveSoul brings over 3 years of audio experience with him to the team and working with other mod projects like, "The Great Collapse" and "Tolerance: Redux", he continues to amaze us with the high quality of his audio skills. This new audio track utilizes a mix of both SWAT Officer and civilian dialog along with several of TripleFiveSoul’s custom firearm sound effects. Why not download it and take a listen?"

Click here to download the audio file. You'll be sure to get real good movie vibes from this one.
Check out more of this mod on the official site here, filled to the brim with pure zombie goodness.
Sex on slow, shambling legs! :E I can't remember a game where someone bitten turns into a zombie outside of a scripted scene or cut-scene. I can't wait! :bounce:
The models look good, and the mp3 file there sounds good...

I just hope that there are more than just that specific swat member...

It was okay with Barney in HL1, but... This is a new age, and for the utmost realism, we need members to look different... Perhaps a SWAT member with a helmet? That way, you could put as many as you'd want down and no one would be able to say, 'that guy looks the same as that guy', cuz he's got a helmet and you can't see his face. Full swat helmet/gasmask is what I mean... Like the SAS in CS w/ the gas mask, and then w/ just a helmet you could have a very tinted helmet...
I'd like to see a random head/torso/legs way of making characters and zombies. That way loads of people can look different with a set of limited models.

I don't know how easy it would be to pull off though.
model looks top shelf. really like the way they made the infected model look. im eagerly awaiting this, as well as the many other zombie mods.

edit: just heard the mp3 file, and it sounds amazing.
awesome models! i love the detail on the zombie face!

at first i thought that the heads looked a little disporportionate to the body, but now i think that they are actually probably more proportionate than most models are to real life figures. i don't know, maybe i'm wrong.
the head looks proper sized to me. Shoulders are 3 heads wide and the body is approx 7 heads tall. Thats fairly normal proportions
looks good, keep up the good work :thumbs:

Reginald said:
I'd like to see a random head/torso/legs way of making characters and zombies. That way loads of people can look different with a set of limited models.

I don't know how easy it would be to pull off though.

This was one of the features that was supposedly gonna be in Half-Life 2... maybe it's still lurking around in Source somewhere?