More video and info from PAX.


The Freeman
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Gamespot have another video preview of the 360 version, this time with commentary from Chet Faliszek.;title;1

Some great footage, somthing cool he mentioned was that some of the 'common horde' zombies in the hospital wear Doctors outfits and Patient smocks, area specific zombies ftw.

Shacknews also have a cool interview with Chet.

Also G4 have uploaded an interview with Gabe Newell they did at Leipzig.
Great to hear from Chet they are planning on doing updates with new zombies and campaigns etc. I had no idea they'd add new zombie bosses.

edit: Also I love the start of his demo video "I'm black and white right now...because I'm about to DIE"
Haha, I knew he should'nt have said they were testing out the flamethrower. Other modes will probably be a skirmish mode hinted at that XBOX 360 slide show pics. Russia though? That wasn't said at all they were going there. Shacknews has the best game news, and asks the right Q's all the time. Knew the dev's read the L4D411 forum, just a shame it's so horribly laid out and the forums members resemble that of 4chan. 78 more days..
I need this game. Now. But I guess zombie master will do.
Oddly enough, I had only watched the teaser on Steam before now, and read some things here and there. The game just jumped to almost the top of my list, not that it was that far down to begin with.