Morning Mod News


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Here we go again. [br]
Eternal Silence Models[br]
Eternal Silence have two screenshots of its new ship models. There is a NGM Scout and a huge capital ship named the NTSS Sheldon. You can view more media at their site here.[br]

[br]The Arias Protocol Interview[br]
Mod-HQ have an interview with Cold_Fusion from The Arias Protocol mod available here.[br]
Dreamscape Audio Interview & Screens[br]
For those who missed last Wednesdays "G" Spot Show, with Dreamscape Game Designer Led Kardova, you can download it in .mp3 format from the Dreamscape site here. There are also two new screenshots to view.[br]

[br]Dodgeball: Source Alpha 7[br]
Dodgeball: Source
have released their new Alpha 7 build to the public. After taking suggestions from the community the team have implemented new gameplay enhancements, visuals, maps and more. You can download this mod from their site here.[br]
Submit Your Mod News![br]
If you want your mod news posted here on then email us!
@ Dreamscape :

OMG, as i said before the HUD looks so amazing, can't wait to see it in motion....

gz Luc
Praetorius said:
Untextured model renders. The "why?" question must be asked.

Because we modders are no machines? It takes time, and some folks like to keep us updated on their work.
I agree, textured media releases are much more fun to view at, but edleast now you can't bash their texturework :>
(not that they're texturework sucks)
Why isn't mine there god every website rejects me!!!! :sniper: :x
Why isn't mine there god every website rejects me!!!! :sniper: :x
Do you have any media, screenshots, music, CONCEPTS for gods sake to show at all?

EDIT: These are not concepts. Well, they are, but you should work them out a bit more. (you need more original weaponry :p) (this one looks good)

EDIT2: Story behind it:
The year is : 3046.
The Government wanted invincible super soldiers. No one would agree to being ripped apart by people, so the Government captured wolves and enhanced them using nanotechnology. One day, Iraq tried to have another war with us, thinking they could win this time....They were defeated again, but after the war the Cyberwolves malfunctioned and started fighting each other. The Government wanted money, so they captured them again. They put them in arenas to fight and for people to watch. This is how Cyber Wolf DM became to be.

Touched it up for you (grammar mistakes mainly)
I posted a model WIP screenshot
That WIP looked a tad too WIP. As in, you had trouble discerning if it was a wolf or a dog or a dogwolf or whatever :p
The main structure was there, but you should touch it up a bit, because your idea is very original and, if done right, could become a great mod.
The Sheldon is the shit!

(there are probably 3 people on this site who will get that joke)
JNightshade said:
The Sheldon is the shit!

(there are probably 3 people on this site who will get that joke)

Sadly, I don't think I'm one of them.

It would have been cool for us to have these things skinned and all for you... But would you rather have us keep quiet on them? Would you rather have us not post them until they are skinned, so you get about two weeks of silence? Most likely not....

Any progress is good progress. :)
hi, im from Dreamscape... i'd just like to point out that those levels, models, and everything are all WIP, glad you liked them :)