Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
So, who's played it yet? I rented it yesterday, and I think it's cool that they added so many characters. I only have a few problems with it, though. The Fatalities have been replaced with button input sequences where your character will pull the enmie's heart out, tear off an arm, snap their neck etc., meaning none of the characters have their signatures Fatalities anymore. Fighting styles have been reduced to 2, being a weapon amnd your character's style.

That aside, the game is really fun if your still into the gory stuff.

Oh yeah, here's a brutal Fatality for you.....On PS2.

While on left side of screen.

Right right square

Left right square

Down right square

Left right square

Down right square

Right right square

And whatever else you want.

Post your fatalities.