Mossman and her message


Sep 13, 2008
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Mossman and her message (SPOILERS)

This is my first post here on the forums so hai2u ^^

I have a question regarding Mossman and the arctic base containing the Borealis. I'm a bit confused over the message Alyx picked up in the Citadel and downloaded in to her data thingy. Was that message sent to the Rebels or the Combine and more important WHEN was it sent. I mean, Mossman was at the top of the Citadel in Breen's office moments before the portal explosion at the ending of HL2. She must've taken herself and Eli to safety out in White Forest shortly after this right? So straight after she got back there she went north to the base? Because in Episode 1 the message is seen by Alyx just hours after the portal exploded. She says at the very beginning of episode 1 that she's been trying to contact her dad, Eli, for hours. Meaning that the timeframe from when Mossman was in the office to when she sent the message could been a matter of 2-5 hours perhaps. Am i mistaken, has Gordon and Alyx been in statis for perhaps a day or more?
I just find it hard to understand how Mossman could have traveled all that way in such a short period of time, right after the explosion and everything. If she did, was the message sent to the Combine or to White Forest and the Combine just picked it up. Hidden in the message was the location and data of the Borealis and she was back working with the Rebels weren't she? So, huge wall of text i know but this is basically the only thing in the series i'm confused about ^^

Someone feel free to explain! Cheers!
After being freed at the end of HL2, Mossman and Eli escape City 17 and make their way to White Forest (in a much shorter period of time than took Gordon) and Mossman immediatly left for the north.

Many, many hours pass between the end of HL2 and when Alyx finds you at the start of EP1 (remember that the end of HL2 was at dusk while the beginning of EP1 is during the day). Then by the time Gordon and Alyx shut down the core Mossman has sent out a transmission to the rebels which was intercepted by the Combine.
Ah cheers for clearing that up! I have another question related to the previous one ^^
Mossman had been working for the Combine in secret for quite some while, of course she was not evil but simply wanted to make sure Eli and all her friends survived as she thought the Rebels stood no chance against the Combine. A coward perhaps but not evil. But with this being said, would Eli trust her so soon after she came back to the Rebels side?

I mean, was it Eli and/or Dr. Kleiner who sent her on the mission to the north? They had no idea of the Borealis it seemed as they were quite shocked when they saw the hidden files contained in the data package at the end of Episode 2. So they didn't send her there to find out about the Borealis. What was she doing up there? Had she found out the Combine had taken interest in the northern location and went there to intercept them and find out what they were looking for? Or did Eli actually suspect that the Borealis might be up there and sent her there to investigate?

Thanks! :)
Ah cheers for clearing that up! I have another question related to the previous one ^^
Mossman had been working for the Combine in secret for quite some while, of course she was not evil but simply wanted to make sure Eli and all her friends survived as she thought the Rebels stood no chance against the Combine. A coward perhaps but not evil. But with this being said, would Eli trust her so soon after she came back to the Rebels side?

Eli wants summadat theoretical physics boo-tay.
Well, Judith says herself that she went north to secure the 'Project', whatever it was. The project surely isn't the Borealis as no one was expecting to find the ship. I think the Project was used to gather data on the Combine portals and the data was used in Dr Magnusson's rocket to close the citadel's super-portal. What the Project actually is, we don't know other than the resistance do not want the Combine to have it. My guess is it is some sort of data gathering system.

As for Eli still trusting Mossman. Well, for one, they're are certainly feelings there. Also, she's pretty much proven her loyalty by turning directly on Breen, which would have certainly condemmed herself to death had they failed. Also, there is no longer any point in betraying them. Before she believed she could save Eli by making a deal with Breen, but seeing as Breen is dead there really isn't much of a chance of making a deal with the Combine themselves, especially because they're probably really, really pissed.
I Cant Wait For Ep3 Anymore! I Want Ep 3!
Well, Judith says herself that she went north to secure the 'Project', whatever it was. The project surely isn't the Borealis as no one was expecting to find the ship. I think the Project was used to gather data on the Combine portals and the data was used in Dr Magnusson's rocket to close the citadel's super-portal. What the Project actually is, we don't know other than the resistance do not want the Combine to have it. My guess is it is some sort of data gathering system.

As for Eli still trusting Mossman. Well, for one, they're are certainly feelings there. Also, she's pretty much proven her loyalty by turning directly on Breen, which would have certainly condemmed herself to death had they failed. Also, there is no longer any point in betraying them. Before she believed she could save Eli by making a deal with Breen, but seeing as Breen is dead there really isn't much of a chance of making a deal with the Combine themselves, especially because they're probably really, really pissed.

Ah thanks yet again, things are getting clearer ^^

But, yes there's a but :P , in the transmission Mossman says she's fairly sure she pinned down the location of the "project". She's not sure wether it survived intact and if there's anything left that could compromise the Resistance's work. This indicates that whatever this project is it is not the Resistance's and it's not the Combines. Leading me to believe as i know alot of other people speculate that the project they are talking about is in fact Aperture Science. They knew from the beginning that Apeture had come a long way in portal technology and that this could be used by the Combine now that their portal system would be disengaged by Magnusson's rocket.

They just knew that any technology that might've survived during the last decades could be used against them by the Combine, thus they need to secure it. They did not however know about the Borealis, they thought it to be lost forever. Mossman found the Borealis, this was what she had pinned down. She sent the data about the Borealis hidden in her transmission afraid that the Combine would intercept it. Righfully afraid it turned out.

This is just speculation from my side.

But the codes for the Combine portalsystem was sent by the Combine's themselves. They needed a great deal of energy to send the codes to the Combine overworld, that's why they started the explosion in the reactor. The energy output would propel the message to the other side and thus making it possible for the Combine overworld to link up with the superportal. Magnusson needed these codes as well to be able to set his "Xenian relay" in the right frequency so that the portal would close. Those codes would open a portal as well as close it using the Xenian golden looking crystals we've seen throughout the games. So that data didnt come from the northern location, it came from the Combine themselves.

On the Eli trusting Mossman part i agree fully ^^
Oh yes. You're right. I forgot about what Mossman actually said in the transmission. So it probably isn't a data-gathering device then. I doubt that the project was Aperture-related though.
Oh yes. You're right. I forgot about what Mossman actually said in the transmission. So it probably isn't a data-gathering device then. I doubt that the project was Aperture-related though.

Wouldn't it be possible though? I mean Aperture Science has been talked about alot in the series and it was them who built the Borealis. Maybe the Resistance thought even though the Borealis was missing Aperture still had some sort of portal technology left that needed to be secured/destroyed. Finding the Borealis was just a coincidence but maybe Mossman was sent there to recover anything else they might have developed. Even though i strongly doubt that the Portal gun used in Portal will ever be seen in Half-Life it still suggests that Aperture did develop highly advanced portal technology. Meaning Eli and the others are rightfully scared by the fact that the Combine might try to claim Aperture's technology to establish new portals to the Combine overworld.

I don't think that's too far fetched but this is getting a bit out of topic now ^^
I just love to discuss these things waiting for Episode 3 to finally arrive. :)

My 5 cents.
I think the Project was probably created by an affiliat of Black Mesa, like White Forest (it's never said that White Forest is related to Black Mesa in-game but I believe that Laidlaw said it in an interview)
Also a viable theory i haven't thought about. That would explain how Eli and Kleiner could know some facts about it but that they didn't have the whole picture of what was going on there and if anything there could pose a threat to the resistance if found by the Combine.