Most disappointing e3 I can remember.


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone else feel this way? What I thought would be the most excting e3 of recent times has been extremely dull, especially when compared to last years amazing show.

Seriously - how can so many ppl be excited by so little? (when you think about, we've been shown very little of any substance - and no, the Killzone vid doesn't count ;))

Maybe friday will be better.

Thank god for the new Zelda title, easily the highlight for me so far.
Yes, I agree. The consoles were shown off but there was nothing to really get me hyped up about. (though I'm still eagerly awaiting more UE3/UT2007 footage)

Maybe it's just that we're missing a Half-Life 2 E3 appearance.
agreed, i mean has the main show started? for the fans and people from the sites and stuff i mean, i presume so. Seems very quiet, quite underwhelming.
I agree too...
Usually E3 is even bigger than the birthday for me, but this E3(Or these days atleast) I've just been "Meh..."
This E3, with the exception of the new consoles, fails to be complete without Team Fortress 2.
There was so much hype last year, this year its all been drowned out by the early unveiling of the consoles that we're all 'meh' about now.

Ive been thinking the same thing this is by far the dullest E3 that I can remeber thus far. :hmph:
Last year deserved the hype - so many amazing games were on show. I barely had enough disk space for all the media :)

This has been a show of specification willy waving, trying to impress the average gamer with pre-rendered vids, and basically trying to fill up space with very little. If the guy who came up with the term 'emotion engine' could run an e3, he'd have run this one.

bah humbug :)

(did get a little excited over the few PD0 screenshots though)
I've never cared about or followed any of these events. I couldn't care less if they didn't show one image to one game. I don't see what all the fuss is about.

So did it disappoint me? Nope, not in the least. I'll be glad when it's over and I can stop hearing about renderware images for games a year or so away.
This e3 sucks, sony is pulling another ps2 hype trip and everyone one is falling for it again. I have never seen a bigger pissing contest in my entire life. The worst part is apart from UE3 and Fight Night I have no idea what next-gen games will even look like.

I have not seen any really cool games or anything to get excited about either, just sequels and pre rendered crap. Gears of war and the new zelda are the only things mildly intresting this year.

I think the only thing that could save this e3, is steve ballmer going insane again.
I thought of starting a similar thread. Awful e3. Of course, it isn't over yet, so this may be subject to change.


PS3: Showed nothing really in the end and you can't even trust your own eyes because you don't know whether it's a pre-rendered marketing scam, or real footage. Awful design and horrible controller.

360: Left me unimpressed, it's all nice and fancy, but hardly any better than a current top PC. No released footage has impressed me.

Revolution: Saw nothing but a nice looking design.

I'm less than impressed by the so called next-gen.

Further, there was nothing interesting by Valve, nothing by Blizzard, no surprise games. And above all, there wasn't a dominating game this show, like with HL2 the previous two years. No game that left the audience stunned, no buzz about a particular game on all websites.
yeah there was nothing like the unveiling of mgs2, doom3 or hl2 vids, meh to it all, i think part of it is coz the game sites are far more interested in the next gen consoles which is understanable, i had to go searching for previews for fear, cod2 etc.

i'll be interested to see what gets best in show.
I am kind of disappointed cause they keep on showing pre-rendered crap. I have an idea on how to stop that nonsense. You know 3DMark 2005? have that company make software for that system to test the maxium capability of the system. It would be neat to see.

This e3 is kickass. I mean UT2007? All this crazy next gen stuff. All its missing is HL2: Expansion and some Crytek info :)
You're so easily pleased Raziel :)

We better hope some actual in game footage isn't shown tomorrow, or you might explode like a balloon!

(seriously, compared to previous years it's been crap)
Warbie said:
You're so easily pleased Raziel :)

We better hope some actual in game footage isn't shown tomorrow, or you might explode like a balloon!

(seriously, compared to previous years it's been crap)

True. What will make it perfect for me. Is PC UT2007 Gameplay vids. News vids on next crytek game. TFC2, Hl2:AM.
(More or less) suprise appearance by Prey is very nice. Game looks good and trailer is very solid.

It seems I'm not the only one then. I'm mostly into PC-gaming (don't own a console, and not getting a next-gen either), so it's been pretty dull. There haven't been any real surprises (remember the whole HL2-hype 2 years ago?), but the show ain't over yet. What's that saying again? All good comes to those that wait.
Most disappointing E3 you can remember?

It ain't even over yet!
I'm delighted by the whole thing.
I too am pretty dissapointed. The new consoles were interesting, but just about every other item announced was yet another FPS with a very spangly engine and very little promise of good gameplay.
The things that really surprised me were the PS3 physics tech demo of the bath tub and the information about Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. The latter was a great surprise considering my disappointment with the directiong being taken in Quake IV. I would count Spore... but it was revealed back in March at GDC, IIRC. The rest of the E3 news has been underwhelming.
This E3 seems so... hollow. Everything we're shown seems vaguely real... I mean, with all the sceptical rumours going around about the (clearly un-revolutionary) consoles, it's hard to enjoy them... especially as there are no decent games announced. Footage of MGS4 would make the PS3 rise above the competition for me, as would Halo3 for the Xbox. If I actually knew anything about the Revolution other than it plays games (even this I'm not sure about), I might like it better. In fact, the ONLY thing I've been impressed by is the footage of Zelda; which is pathetic seeing as almost identical footage (minus wolf-transformation and happy village folk) was shown last year.

I want something that will blow me away. Something that will impress me. Entice me. Appeal to me. So far I've seen a few unfinished, unimaginitive demos and a few bland consoles.

Oh well... *hugs Zelda*
Aye this E3 has been extremely underwhelming........ I just don't even feel like it's E3 :(

I mean the consoles made it all good... Now we are getting a few cool titles, but man.... There isn't really any cool gameplay technical videos, or new engines that I know about being shown off technically. That was last year and the year before.

Plus, a lot of these games aren't even new to most people. Like prey was in PCGamer a month or two ago and all this. Then a lot of the console info was leaked beforehand, and bleh, there isn't really one "Must see!" game, as they all came out like last year (Doom3, HL2, Halo2)... So now we just wait for something new :(

Oh, and Call of Duty 2 footage is really what's making me enjoy this... I love it :D

That UT2007 was neat for showing off the PS3... but that wasn't actual gameplay, it was just scripted in-game cinematic (obviously real-time), but it's not gameplay footage at all that shows what the game will be like :(

There better be huge things tomorrow :( :( :(
The new consoles were great, and the FF7 tech demo...awesome. If that killzone 2 video is real I will buy PS3, as 360 isn't really appealing to me.
The Mullinator said:
Ya this E3 has been crap for the most part.

Besides who cares bout this E3?! june is the shizzle with GTA:SA & BF2.
All I found cool was the ps3, ffvii tech demo and the trailer for killzone and ffxii.
Killzone 2 had a wicked trailer....same with Gears of War....thats about it
I was hoping that something big would happen. Seeing all the new consoles was nice, but there was nothing truly amazing.

I kept on secretly hoping that Valve would whip out TF2 or something, but I knew that was highly unlikely. So far, this E3's done little more than leave a bad taste in my mouth. Here's hoping for something better next year.
who needs e3 , when all game news and vids, are showing all the time.
waiting for BF2 !, GTA:SA , FEAR, NFS:MW, AOA3 and SS2 happy for now/

and happy for my 600 post :smoking:
I agree that the worst part about this year's E3 was that the entire thing was so very expected. The Xbox 360 remains a glorified PC, the PS3 remains a shady power-hungry hype monster, and the Revolution is still a huge question mark. There were no show-stealers - despite the awesomeness that is Zelda, it doesn't have the power to blow away the masses like the Half-Life 2 videos of old. It is a refinement, not a revolution. I guess that's how you could describe this entire E3.
Half-life 2 killed the show the last two years and we became spoiled by the in-game, unprofessionally done godness of the presentations.
Yeah, I had the same general feelings as all of you. I actually got to go this year with my company and was expecting like a video game player's disneyland, with foresight as far as 2007, but the majority feeling was disappointment.

  • Seeing Soul Calibur III well along made me happy.
  • I got to try my hand at F.E.A.R., which is graphically impressive but (the demo at least) was not revolutionary. The game got pretty choppy too, but I can't fault a WIP.
  • Crazy-ass two hour press conference lines everywhere. Tried to wait in line for the Sony, but we ran out of time because our booth shift started.
  • Disappointing, but understandable, that there wasn't much showing of the next-gen consoles.

Next year should be HUGE though, because it'll be much closer to their release. Hopefully I won't get fired for talking on forums all day before then ;)
MuToiD_MaN said:
Next year should be HUGE though, because it'll be much closer to their release. Hopefully I won't get fired for talking on forums all day before then ;)

Damn straight :)

On a side note, I just looked at the new Zelda trailer for the nth time and cannot stop smiling. Haven't been this excited about a video game in years.
I've got to agree here. Besides the Revolution being back-compatable/good-looking and news of MGS4, this is a bust as far as interesting games are concerned.

I mean, the headliner is Killzone 2. Sequel to the suckiest FPS in recent memory.