most gunshots fired in a movie?


Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
which actor/actress in a single movie do you think has fired the most gunshots?

my vote goes to neo, in the first matrix. lobby scene + roof scene + minigun = winner

The A-Team gets the award for most shots fired without hitting ANYTHING
OvA said:
The A-Team gets the award for most shots fired without hitting ANYTHING

hahahahahahahha either that or the henchmen in the 007 series. thier aim was shit.
Arnold Swartzineggeekhfvfsbvgyifvsd has. Terminator/2/3. Especially with the minigun in 2.
i didnt want to say

xombine said:
Actor/Actress :/
Didn't read OP just read the thread title.

Maybe um.. the guy in the chopper in Full Metal Jacket.

"Easy.. just don't lead 'em so much!"
OvA said:
The A-Team gets the award for most shots fired without hitting ANYTHING
The entire G.I. Joe cartoon series involved wars with laser guns. No one was ever hit.
while searching for the answer i found these:

Largest Gun
The Schwerer Gustav measured 42.9 m (141 ft) long and had a crew of 1,500. The caliber was 80 cm (31.4 in), and the gun was used by the Germans in July 1942 in the siege of Sevastopol, USSR (now Ukraine).

Most deadly magic trick
At least 12 people (eight magicians and four bystanders) have been killed during the bullet catching trick, where at least one gun loaded with a marked bullet, is fired at the the magician who apparently catches the bullet in his teeth. Even though the feat involves illusionary elements, it is fraught with danger. The most famous bullet-catching death has been Chung Ling Soo (USA, b. William Elsworth Robinson) a world famous magician who was shot on stage at the Wood Green Empire, London, UK on 23 March 1918.

Harry Houdini was advised not to do the trick by his mentor Harry Kellar.

One of the most impressive current presentations of the trick is by Penn & Teller (both USA), who perform it using two guns with red laser sites, two bullets and a sheet of glass between them.

Longest Film Title
The official title of Lina Wertmüller's film is Un Fatto Di Sangue Nel Commune Di Sculiana Fra Due Uomini Per Causa Di Una Vedova Si Sospetano Moventi Politici. Amore-Morte-Shimmy. Lugano Belle. Tarantelle. Tarallucci È Vino.

Most Expensive Movie Made
Paramount's Titanic (USA, 1997), which ran vastly over budget, cost just over $200 million to be made.

Most Expensive Movie Made - Inflation Adjusted
In terms of real costs adjusted for inflation, the most expensive movie ever made was Cleopatra (USA, 1963), whose $44 million (then £15,712,602) budget would be equivalent to $306,867,120 (£175,352,640) today.

Most Swearing In An Animated Movie
Being crude was never going to be a problem for the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, released after the runaway success of the cartoon series. At the final count they managed to pack in a record-breaking 399 obscenities, that's the most swearing in an animated movie!
xcellerate said:
Most Swearing In An Animated Movie
Being crude was never going to be a problem for the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, released after the runaway success of the cartoon series. At the final count they managed to pack in a record-breaking 399 obscenities, that's the most swearing in an animated movie!

Damn,One short of the 400. Pity.

Ahwell my guess at most gunshots in a film:

Hotshots Part Deux- Come on they even count it out for ya. :D
EDIT: Credit for this should go to Icarusintel as he really put more effort into making a case for Hot shots then I did.Twas a joke answer really ;)
And for most gunshots in a serious film, I'll say it all depends if ya mean on screen or in the general scene. If the former I'll go with Robocop,If not Ill say the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan
Has no one ever seen Hot Shots Part Deux? Not only the most shots fired EVER, but also the highest body count EVER! They even have a counter for the number of people killed, which rocked hardcore. Seriously, watch the movie, just because it's funny as shit. He ends up firing so many rounds that the shell casings pile up to his chest... now that's hardcore.

Edit: Shit, took to long writing my response....
Hot Shots: Part Deux. Jesus, they even had a counter proving it!

amateurs ...famliarize yourself with these movies, forget every hollywood crap you've ever seen and go rent these movies, more bullets per minute than any movie ever made


The Killer
There wer quite a few bullets flying about the place from those walkers in the battle at that human city place in the third matrix. (Leave me alone i can't remember names i'm tired) but that wasn't one character...

Chow Yun Fat fired quite a few rounds off in the movie "Hard Boiled"
CptStern said:
amateurs ...famliarize yourself with these movies, forget every hollywood crap you've ever seen and go rent these movies, more bullets per minute than any movie ever made


The Killer
As much as I'd love to agree with you, because I love both of those movies immensely, and the rounds fired and body counts are huge, Hot Shots Part Deux nails it.

Truly though, Hardboiled had far more bullets fired than the Killer, especially in the Warehouse and Hospital scenes.
Icarusintel said:
As much as I'd love to agree with you, because I love both of those movies immensely, and the rounds fired and body counts are huge, Hot Shots Part Deux nails it.

Truly though, Hardboiled had far more bullets fired than the Killer, especially in the Warehouse and Hospital scenes.

ya but hot shots was just that one scene, Hardboiled it's in EVERY scene
CptStern said:
amateurs ...famliarize yourself with these movies, forget every hollywood crap you've ever seen and go rent these movies, more bullets per minute than any movie ever made


The Killer
Listen to this man. These are two of the best action films ever made.

Also go watch The Wild Bunch. (From IMDB: Supposedly, more blank rounds were discharged during the production than live rounds were fired during the Mexican Revolution of 1914 around which the film is loosely based. In total 90,000 rounds were fired, all blanks.)
It may not be the most, but the guy sitting in front of Peewee Herman took the worst shot in a movie.
JFry said:
It may not be the most, but the guy sitting in front of Peewee Herman took the worst shot in a movie.

For the guy sitting in front of PeeWee in the movie theater! He took the worst shot(s).
RakuraiTenjin said:
Maybe um.. the guy in the chopper in Full Metal Jacket.

"Easy.. just don't lead 'em so much!"

'Git some! Git some!'

But yeah, Hotshots Pt Deux wins.
It's got to be Charlie Sheen in the Hot Shots movies, more like!
it has to be terminator 2 - hell there's a nuclear holocaust in that movie :D
I haven't really seen all of the movies, but rambo had a lot of shooting didn't it?

I'm gonna say Sly from Rambo is top ten from all the movies combined.
Baal said:
I haven't really seen all of the movies, but rambo had a lot of shooting didn't it?

I'm gonna say Sly from Rambo is top ten from all the movies combined.

thats true, stallone rocked those dual m60's haha
hot shots part deux,rambo,and that other sylvester stalone movie i think its called cobra.
Arnie in predator, and when hes crew goes nutz and firing like crazy into the jungle :D
But does anyone have any numbers? As I previously posted The Wild Bunch used 90,000 blanks.
I suppose nobodys reading the first post.
Cleric in equilibrium? Or Arnie in terminator/s? or....

HO HO HO, Now i have a machine gun! John McClane, he's the man.