Most overrated games



What games in your opinion are/were vastly overrated?

Id have to say Halo, Diablo 2, and Battlefield 1942 personally

Edit: this is simply opinions and not meant for flame wars
Originally posted by Bass
Edit: this is simply opinions and not meant for flame wars
That's what they all say...
But then soon enough...
Huh, you actually have me stumped. Thats the nice thing about games, when someone says something's good, then there's usually a reason, and I can usually see what they mean.
So at the moment I really can't even think of anything.
bf1942 owns. what the hell are you talking about?

Halo is over rated yeah
and diablo is a good game..

you suck at gaming shut up
*pulls out flamethrower*
Diablo 2 and BF1942 own

but uh I would have to say all the sims expansions
yes let us not forget the ****in sims who ever played that pos game should be killed NOW

EDIT: and the ****s that pay to play it online DIE all of you
Rise of Nations = Age of Empires with a world-map tacked on as an afterthought. Stupid tech system designed so nobody can get an advantage by being years ahead of their rivals. Whats the point of having tech if you're not going to let people get past thier competitors? The game concept was probably good, but it had a BAAAAAAD execution.

Baulders Gate. What the hell was with the expierence system? Alright, I've exported and imported my mage character a dozen times to get almost past level 1. And, ALRIGHT, he leveled up!!! Hey, what the? He can cast only ONE more spell?

And the magic system totally blew. The mage "memorizes" spells overnight and then forgets them as soon as they are cast? Who thought up that turd?

Just generally frustrating.

C&C Generals. The game without character. No, I dont mean characters as in people the story is about, but character, as in an interesting or origional feeling/idea about it. It was like playing Red Alert without the grand, epic storyline to make me care about it. Conciquently, I dont.

I could go on, but I wont.
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
bf1942 owns. what the hell are you talking about?

Halo is over rated yeah
and diablo is a good game..

you suck at gaming shut up
*pulls out flamethrower*

Pisses on the piss ant's flamethrower
Originally posted by Bass
this is simply opinions and not meant for flame wars
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
you suck at gaming shut up
*pulls out flamethrower*
Not to say I told you so but... Well, you get the picture.
Yeah this thread was an abortion of I mean civilzed behavior
Originally posted by Bass
Yeah this thread was an abortion of I mean civilzed behavior
Aren't they all.
Oh and let's face it: MoH: Allied Assault
Er... Yeah that was great.
And SoF 2, but that didn't get QUITE as high ratings as MoH
How was MoH great?
It promised squad play but didn't really deliver at all (as far as I can tell, the man won WW2 single-handedly) the levels weren't very interesting (with the exception of Omaha which WAS good and one or two others) the weapons were rubbish, and you had to shoot your enemies when they hit the floor just to be sure (this isn't Res. Evil, people), and that's just for STARTERS. It nev-
Sorry. I saw what I did there. I got a bit agitated.
Agree to disagree?
I personally prefer Rambo style ;) And I found most of the levels to be interesting, different strokes for different folks I guess
<el Chi hugs Bass in a gentlemanly understanding way>
Fair do's:cheers:
But I honestly feel of anything I listed Halo is the most overrated.
I agree with Halo, so many people say that its the best game ever, It lost my interest very fast...
Well I think its a pretty standard FPS with above average graphics. I dont see it as being revolutionary or groundbreaking in any way. There was nothing in that game that I hadnt seen done before.
halo was the first next-gen fps

comperable only to HL2, UT2K3, DOOMIII ect...

halo's phisics, lighting, and large enviorments owned the fps world for quite awhile
Which (to me) was insignificant next to the games shoddy story, repetitive gameplay, and lack of replay factor.
Originally posted by alb1221
yes ut2k3s's gameplay is definatley deeper (sarcasm)


Hey I never stated that U2K had good or even decent GP, actually I never mentioned the game period.
It also seemed to me that there were about 4-5 dif enemies in the game tops
I know im toying with your virgin mind, but I love ut2k3's gameplay now that its patched and its replay value is pretty much limitless im still playing the orginal ut
Halo shouldn't be on your most overrated list. If you have actually taken the time to sit down and play the game for more than an hour, you would know why so many people think it's great. The point is, a lot of people who think Halo sucks, or think it's "overrated" haven't sat down to play it through a little.

Anyway, back on subject.

1. The Sims - This game is pure crap
2. GTA 3 and Vice City - Both of these games cannot compare to GTA 2.
3. The Madden series - I cannot stand these football games anymore. They're always so hyped up and overrated beyond belief. If you want a real football game--try NFL Fever 2004 or ESPN Football.
Yeah U2K is pretty cool though, mostly from a graphical standpoint though, not big on the weapons selection
ut2k4 is simply what ut2k3 should have been

epic/DE make me want to kill someone
Originally posted by downthesun
Halo shouldn't be on your most overrated list. If you have actually taken the time to sit down and play the game for more than an hour, you would know why so many people think it's great. The point is, a lot of people who think Halo sucks, or think it's "overrated" haven't sat down to play it through a little.

Anyway, back on subject.

1. The Sims - This game is pure crap
2. GTA 3 and Vice City - Both of these games cannot compare to GTA 2.
3. The Madden series - I cannot stand these football games anymore. They're always so hyped up and overrated beyond belief. If you want a real football game--try NFL Fever 2004 or ESPN Football.

Dude Ive had the game for 2 years I think I invested a little time before arriving it my conclusion....
So basically what you saying is the people who arent Halo fans havent played the game enough, and that having an opinion that differs from yours is incorrect?

Madden 2004 owns ESPN Football 2K4. 2K3 had Madden 2003's number, but not this year
Personally, I liked Diablo 2, but I'm more of a traditional RPG fan, not a "ClickFest" fan, so once I beat it, I lost interest.

Diablo 2= Overrated

As for MOH:AA,
I thought this was a good above average game with good triggered sequences, and I don't think its overrated because I had beaten every MOH game before it, and new it wasn't going to deliver anything new
The multiplayer didn't hold my interest either, dunno why..
DoD was much better, and it was free :)

MOH:AA= Overrated

Sims and anything sims is overrated simply because I don't see the fun in coming home from work--wanting an escape from life--to play around with some else's boring life. No matter what I did in that game (IE destroy houses, starve ppl, or just become successful) I couldn't find out why everyone was raving about it. Its crap.

The Sims and all other seven expansions- Overrated

Now for Halo.. Like many I love Halo, but when you take away its shiny graphics, and polished scripting and relatively bug free gameplay, it was a normal FPS. The story was great, but once you beat it on legendary a couple times, the interest is gone. Even when playing MP on Xbox Tunnel, I wasn't impressed. Even though I am bored with it now, its still on my top twwnty list for first impressions, and story


I figure I'm so hard to please when it comes to games now is because I've experienced Half-Life. It had everything, but most importantly REPLAY VALUE. HL has been my favourite game since its release, and I've missed out on great games over the years most likely, but I think HL2 will be the only other game that will hold my interest longer then HL1.


Sorry for long rant, but you have to step back and consider evry possible variable before deciding whether a game is overrated.
Though Im salivating at the thought of its arrival, we cant pass judgement on HL2 til we get it. Theres that 0.000001% chance that itll be a flaming piece of poo
UT2k3 was no more worse than Unreal 2, I was at a lan gaming area and beat it in 5 hours on Experienced...
Oh, and I agree with el Chi about SoF II, it's a great game, I don't see why people thinks it's graphics suck.
Black & White
The Sims series

Project Eden (God I love this game, especially in CO-OP)
Jak & Daxter (Sold poor)
Viper Racing
This is gonna sound dumb but I feel Max Payne is underrated. Yes I know it got great reviews, but no one really ever mentions this game among other greats.
Originally posted by Bass
overhyped? yes
overrated? wait and see

I think the only Hype Half Life 2 has, was actually created by the fans.

Valve seem more worried about us not liking the game then going around saying how amazing it is.
Originally posted by Loke
Black & White
Christ yes. Man, that was NOT a good game. Fun for a while and then you realised you'd wasted £30 and that you will never get back the time you spent realising it was rubbish.

Not quite under-rated, but under-bought: Giants; No-One Lives Forever
I can't help but notice that quite a few of the games in this thread are taken out of context. While many seem tired, repetitive, and unimaginitive now, when they were first released they were applauded. No one had ever seen anything like Halo on a console, the Sims defied categorization, and I had never seen anything close to MOH's Omaha.