Most retarded thing I've ever read in a review (Xbox HL2)

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
From PC to Xbox

The transition from PC controls to console controls is never easy. There is always a button that doesn’t feel right, or complaints about the accuracy of a mouse when compared to an analog. This was a major concern for a lot of the fans of Half-Life 2 when they discovered that their beloved game was coming to the Xbox. After spending some time with the game on the S-Controller, I can safely say that the transition is great; there are actually some improvements.

One part of Half-Life 2 I found clumsy is the weapon selection tree mapped to the number buttons. Many times I would hit the wrong number, or hit the right number too many times. The scroll wheel was a good alternative, but during intense fights it was too clumsy. Weapon selection for Half-Life 2 on the Xbox has been reserved for the D-Pad.

What a ****ing PC nub.
OMG!! I console nut!! Must kill...get me a shotgun and some fishing knives!! I'm going Huntin!!
He can't use a scroll wheel and he's reviewing games :|
Q ftw
I can see him claiming that the controls transitioned "smoothly" from PC to Xbox. But to claim an improvement....

Because he couldn't hit the right key on the keyboard? I'm sorry, but if you're going to comment on the PC to Xbox transition part of the review, at least be adept at PC AND Consoles.

Ikerous said:
He can't use a scroll wheel and he's reviewing games :|
Q ftw

Legitimate criticism. The number-key scrolling method is a little tedious sometimes. And let's be honest, everyone has hit the wrong key, or pressed the right key too much or too little, at least two or three times in their life.
Stigmata said:
And let's be honest, everyone has hit the wrong key, or pressed the right key too much or too little, at least two or three times in their life.

Fast Switch?
I just use Q to revert to the last weapon I used. And I have hit the wrong number a few times, but it takes less than a fraction of a second to correct.
Man he did a great job of describing the excitement that is this game. makes me want to play it right now

If all I had was an Xbox i would be at the store buying this right now.

The screenshots look pretty ****ing good!
Im glad i have the PC version though, with higher resolution textures :D

Hope to see HL3 on x360 too
I have "last weapon used" mapped to the larger button on the thumb side of my mouse. That, G, and the scroll wheel make weapon selection a piece of cake.
The fact that there's a fast switch option makes his argument moot a far as using the scroll wheel is concerned
[SARCASM]X-Box is Gay Just Like You[/SARCASM]
Oh well, the more people that support valve by buying the game the merrier. You know, eventually they're gonna be bigger than EA because they always pull for the underdog.
EA is a publisher, or mostly. Oh yeah, i think they do all their own sports games, but that's about it. And the things they do on their own, that aren't sports games, usually suck beyond belief.
The weapon select in HL2 is excelent becuase it doesn't switch weapons untill you are sure of your selection. when you press a number key a drop down menu of the weapons of this same type are shown and you highlight them. if this is the wrong menu then you simply press another button. all the while staying armed with the original weapon in case you need to fire

In most FPS you go to switch weapons and it proceeds to immediately show your character lowering the gun currently equiped and raising next one, leaving you extremely vulnerable for about 2 seconds in the process if you happend to switch to the wrong weapon thats 2 more seconds leaving you unarmed for 6 seconds if you press the wrong button twice

If they could just make the weapon selection menu vertical (so we don't have to remember if left is up and so on) it would make selecting stuff much easier and natural.
I agree that using a scroll wheel sucks, but numbers are so easy and intuitive...crazyfoo'. Q ftw anyway.
its sad but its true in a way.

the HL2 weapon selection system is not that good, ok "we" are use to it couse of playing HL since 99 - but in fact: sometimes it realy sucks. I had no problems, but i know what the reviewer means.
but the worst is the MP - not only that you cant change the hierarchy - the selection menu sucks for fast combat. I dont want to press a button three times to select the weapon, that are the milliseconds of death.
[eXp]Grey said:
its sad but its true in a way.

the HL2 weapon selection system is not that good, ok "we" are use to it couse of playing HL since 99 - but in fact: sometimes it realy sucks. I had no problems, but i know what the reviewer means.
but the worst is the MP - not only that you cant change the hierarchy - the selection menu sucks for fast combat. I dont want to press a button three times to select the weapon, that are the milliseconds of death.
Fast switch >=(

Oh, wait. X-boxers don't have that :p
[eXp]Grey said:
its sad but its true in a way.

the HL2 weapon selection system is not that good, ok "we" are use to it couse of playing HL since 99 - but in fact: sometimes it realy sucks. I had no problems, but i know what the reviewer means.
but the worst is the MP - not only that you cant change the hierarchy - the selection menu sucks for fast combat. I dont want to press a button three times to select the weapon, that are the milliseconds of death.
I don't understand how it's no good. As long as you use the scroll wheel, it's the exact same in every other game. I guess the weapon tree thing throws him off, I don't why though since you're still just scrolling through all the available weapons
IonizeMyAtoms said:
I don't understand how it's no good. As long as you use the scroll wheel, it's the exact same in every other game.

Not really.

In most games there is one weapon per slot. (Or a numerous amount of others)

Half-Life does its weapon selection in a very different way to say Quake or Far Cry.

And this guy does have a very valid point. Besides not everyone is a wizard at using the mouse / keyboard

And fast-switch doesn't help that much.
Venmoch said:
And fast-switch doesn't help that much.
It will when I fire a double shotgun slug and a crossbow bolt simultaenously in your abdomen :p
Did you really expect much more from the reviewers at the "xboxcore" website? I certainly didn't.

Now if this were IGN or the like, I would have to lodge serious complaints about the credibility of the reviewer since he obviously has little experience with different platforms, which is inexcusable here since HL2 for the xbox is one of the biggest ports in history--An intimate knowledge of both platforms here is a prerequisite.
Beerdude26 said:
It will when I fire a double shotgun slug and a crossbow bolt simultaenously in your abdomen :p

Which would be great and all. But HL2DM sucks. I'd rather play Q4DM Much more fun. :P

That and fastswitch still requires you to go through weapons to get to the desired one. (Say the RPG, you still have to scroll through the grenade to get to it.

And the point the reviwer makes is still valid. Besides. AS far as I can tell this D-Pad version is on fast-switch. Its just the weapons will be on the different axis of the D-Pad. So Explosives will be on say down. Exotic would be on say the right axis. Crowbar / Gravity gun on the left and bullet weapons on up.

In fact it sounds very similar to fast-switch if you ask me. I think the main point is that the X-Box version is a lot easier to understand than the PC's weapon tree. Which does have some very odd ideas about where some weapons should be.
Beerdude26 said:
Fast switch >=(

fastswitch has nothing to do with what i mean.

IonizeMyAtoms said:
I don't understand how it's no good. As long as you use the scroll wheel, it's the exact same in every other game. I guess the weapon tree thing throws him off, I don't why though since you're still just scrolling through all the available weapons

who uses the scroll wheel ? SP only, scrolling is way to slow for mp.
Venmoch said:
Not really.

In most games there is one weapon per slot. (Or a numerous amount of others)

Half-Life does its weapon selection in a very different way to say Quake or Far Cry.
I understand that, but let's pretend for a minute that you couldn't see the weapon selections in the corner as you were scrolling throught weapons. It would be like every other fps, as long as fast switch is on
[eXp]Grey said:
fastswitch has nothing to do with what i mean.

who uses the scroll wheel ? SP only, scrolling is way to slow for mp.
I dont use the numbers at all and ive been killed 100s of times in mp for that reason. Which is stupid..
That xbox sites review was poor, disagreed with a lot of it.
The most superior weaons switching system i have used must be Rainbow six: raven shield where you hold down (from what i change the key to) was c, then this radial menu would appear and when you move the mouse in a certain direction and release "c", whatever you chose will be the next weapon your character pulls out.
scroll wheel is inaccurate, unless you have some old mouse which clicks every single second.
I don't get why you would call him an idiot. He is talking sense. Using the number keys is much more difficult than using a D pad which is just bellow your main analog to change weapon. Also sometimes people simply overestimate how much they need to move a mouse wheel. I myself don't. But taking into acount I have used a PC and played games for years.
IchI said:
I don't get why you would call him an idiot. He is talking sense. Using the number keys is much more difficult than using a D pad which is just bellow your main analog to change weapon. Also sometimes people simply overestimate how much they need to move a mouse wheel. I myself don't. But taking into acount I have used a PC and played games for years.
Thank you.

And just for the record, numkeys + fastswitch is where it's at.
Only thing I found retarded was the fact that whe nI checked out forum topics one said "MASTER CHIEF IS IN HALF- LIFE 2!" Looked at the image he zoomed in on" IT'S the ****ing Sticker with the Antlion on it you see on various paper covered walls within the City etc.! And he said it was Master Chiefy.
TollBooth Willie said:
Only thing I found retarded was the fact that whe nI checked out forum topics one said "MASTER CHIEF IS IN HALF- LIFE 2!" Looked at the image he zoomed in on" IT'S the ****ing Sticker with the Antlion on it you see on various paper covered walls within the City etc.! And he said it was Master Chiefy.
I have no idea what you just said.

D pad seems pretty efficient. for weapon switching. Think of each direction as a number on the keyboard.