Most unfair fight in the game....


May 25, 2003
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I would say the one in Nova Prospekt where you have combine coming in all directions and 3 turrets (and alyx doesn't help you). I even had to cheat by holding a turret and hiding in the closet so the turret shot them all as they came in.
It's not that hard. It's just that most people don't realise (and I didn't for the first 20 tries) that you can pick the turrets back up once they fall over.
I'm having a hell of a time getting past this section. It's driving me nuts. I know I can pick back up the turrets, but it doesn't do any good. One grenade, shotgun blast, or enemy from behind can take out the turret. Then I have to fight off all the enemies to give myself a few seconds to set the turrets back up. It's tough, too tough. I may end up cheating on this one.
The #1 most unfair fight in the game for me has to be in the citadel. Poor combine were just getting steamrolled by me. Not even that strider had a prayer when I got near!
I put 2 turrets to the left of the storage they came from - same little room- in the corner and 1 on the right in the corner.
worked great, you can hide in the storage to reload and its harder to knock them over in the corner.
See the thing is when u go to pick up the turrets another one gets knocked over you go to pick that one up and before you know it combine are swarming you and you're dead in 3 seconds. The closet method worked easily for me there was only one nade to worry about (and I just ran out of the closet)
Ok this is prolly the best method, to defeat the combines with the turrets. First put a couple of those wooden boxes infront of the blue laser shield so the combines can't come in (i used 4 in total, 2 on top of eachother). Than u have 3 turrets do defend only 3 uncovered places instead of 4. The combines won't go through the entrence where u put the boxes lol. Its a real simple trick i discovered while playing on hard difficulty ;-) hf!
k, im gonna try that too... when i get home, ive tried hiding everwhere lol, put the turrets in so many diff places, picked em up etc. ill try putting int he corners and hiding int he closet, but alyx better come running in and blow all the soldiers to hell when she gets there haha, cause theres gonna be a shit load of them by the sounds of it. :thumbs:
Damn never realised i could pick them up.. was hell doing on hard :D

What i did though, was to get into one of the chambers(the dark one) and put 2 in there and the last one on the other side in fcover of those things sticking out of the wall... went pretty well :D
BAMF1337 said:
The #1 most unfair fight in the game for me has to be in the citadel. Poor combine were just getting steamrolled by me. Not even that strider had a prayer when I got near!
That's what I was thinkin'. :p
I just crouched down in one of the turret holding pens, had my shotgun out and took everyone down with a single blast, they kept running in, taking about 2 secs to turn to face me by which time they where dead, the fact that about 40% of them had shotguns helped too.
The way I did it, was put two turrets near the middle of the hall, facing both directions, and the third on the opposite hall facing one direction, and I watched that turret's back and made sure it didnt go down. I listened for the sound of a turret falling (the rapid beeping), and as soon as I heard one go down I'd sprint across, whip out the shotgun and doubleblast anyone in the face who got in, then immediately pick it up, replace it, and sprint back to position to watch the unguarded doorway.

The trick is to only shoot the ones that rush in, you should be able to double blast them in the face and drop them quickly. Others will shoot at you from outside, but just take the damage, and let the turret do the work. If you start getting into a firefight you'll get swarmed.
Man, I was calling Alyx ever name in the book, cuz she wouldnt show up and help me! I got it after about 5 tries. What I finally did was set up all my turrets in that center room that has the unlimited supply of ammo for your smg. I set 2 on one side and 1 on the other side and I stayed between them and used the umlimited ammo supply to keep my smg smoking. I also stacked boxes and barrles right outside the doors of my little storage room. I just kept helping out the turret that was on the side by itself and the other two did a remarkable job of keeping the soliders awayr on the other side. It is nice because if a turret goes down, which didnt happen to me this last time, you only have a few feet to go to reach it.

Now, after having said all of that, I do have the game guide so I read it afterwards to see what they say. And it tells you to actually bring one turret from the last stand you made in that control room so that you have 4 turrets, then set them all up on the right side of that area since there is no balcony on that side combine cant attack you from above like they can on the left side. Sounds like it would work, but I liked my way better. :)
I didn't bother to fight the Combine. I stood in the middle of the hallway and boomed: "How dare you! Do you even know whom you face?!"

Sure enough, they all ran away.
Well, you always need a backup plan. I reloaded the game and my plan failed, so I put on sunglasses and a trenchcoat and ran on the walls and shot everyone.
There have been a couple of threads like this...

Wraithen said:
I don't have any crates, which is confusing, but I just did it after getting killed too many times and taking a break.

And I didn't get hit once.

After taking a turret out of the locker, I went in front of it, picked it up and put it back in the locker. I left one of them free and put two on one side and one on the other, while I went into the empty one and crouched like a coward.

The guards came in and most of them got killed before I even saw them, and the ones I did shoot didn't even try to shoot back. And of course, no one could knock over the turrets. I had the manipulator ready to toss back any grenades, but I didn't need to. I guess it was because the guards didn't see me, but they didn't throw any manhacks either.

All in all, I'm feeling like a jammy bastard now and wanted to share the goodness. Back to the game now tho :)
Zeus said:
I would say the one in Nova Prospekt where you have combine coming in all directions and 3 turrets (and alyx doesn't help you). I even had to cheat by holding a turret and hiding in the closet so the turret shot them all as they came in.

Don't give up! It DEFINITELY is beatable on hard mode, cause i did it! And i have heard from one guy who cheated past it, is that he felt totally like he cheated himself and now the rest of the game didn't feel as if he earned it as much, this spoiled more for him than knowing that Master Chief is the end boss! J/K

The best strategy is this: Keep the manipulator in your hands, the turrets all around you, throwing away all grenades and manhacks at the enemies, resetting your turrets when knocked down. Set them up in a triangle around yourself with your back to a wall. You can do it!
After a few failed tries of doing what you would first do (two facing opposite directions on one side, one on the other while covering its back), but after 4 or 5 tries, I decided to place two turrets in a small little dark room, as far apart as possible, and set the last one right outside the room facing one way. I crouched in between the two turrets and had my SMG at handy. I would have used my shotgun or Combine assault rifle, but I had very little ammo. After three tries of THAT way, I finally did it and was so happy to get past it. Hardest battle for me yet.
It was hard, took me about 15 tries to get past that mission, but I didnt cheat even once, cause cheating ruins the game completely.
Can't say I had to try it even a second time. The stacking trick sounds cute but you know what is really fun? You can pick up turrets right? Well just before this you got hung up and Alyx programmed 2 turrets for you. Ever think of HAULING THEM ALONG FOR THE RIDE? I brought one with me, I had a gun to cover every door. Mind you they would knock them down... but 4 helps a lot more than 3... And I suppose if you were super duper man you could haul 2 in there for a total of 5... I just wonder if I should go back and try taking one with me back to Dr. Kleiners and use it throughout the end of the game. Would it teleport? Hmmm.
I gotta say the Citedel inside. You're freakin untouchable at that point with the super grav gun.
Easiest way

The easiest way to beat this part is to stack those 3 boxes underneath the balcony in the middle and grab each turret and toss them up there 1 by 1, when you grab the last turret, the next sequence is triggered, toss that last turret up quick and climb those boxes to safety, you can just hide up there and place the turrets at your own pace, it's very safe and very easy from there. if you mess up or fall, just reload the saved game and make sure you do it right. It only took me 2 tries to do it with this method and it was very fun to watch those turrets firing away the whole time. The only thing to worry about is replacing the fallen turrets
This was the most frustrating part of the game for me, next to the time when I couldn't find the door in that building to get inside of the nexus, or that other time when I didn't know that you can press E to get inside the coffin-like things in the citadel. Grrr.
The turrets are supposed to fire AT THE COMBINE, right? Apprently, Alyx didn't tweak them enough. I can set them up, but they just sit there when a Combine soldier arrives. What's the deal? :sniper:
I set up defense on only one side of that room. One turret covers a main door each, closer to the middle of the room, and one inside the middle room/hallway facing the other side of the room. From there I stood in the empty open cell and used it to fire from. With the turrets closer to the middle of the room AND you, it made it easier to get them standing again if one got knocked down. Only took 3 tries to figure this one out but another turret or some help would have been nice.
Hide in a closet or small room and place all turrets in front of you. Make it so soldiers have to come to you with turrets in no position to get knocked over.
Think outside the box.

You know you can pile boxes. And by that reach higher and harder-to reach spots. I passed that part without getting hit once. Its easy if you get the hint.
There is a room near the top left area. Ohhh once I found that it was TO easy.(this was normal).
I played 2 of them, only 2. Everything died and I didn't do 1 single thing. Only 1 time the turrent went down and I got it easily back up.
AcousticToad said:
I just crouched down in one of the turret holding pens, had my shotgun out and took everyone down with a single blast, they kept running in, taking about 2 secs to turn to face me by which time they where dead, the fact that about 40% of them had shotguns helped too.

Yep, that's exactly what i did. Shotgun was very effective.

What I did is drag a turret with me from the previous control room battle, ran upstairs and dropped it down. I then went back downstairs and used my gravity gun's primary fire to keep nudging the massive file cabinet up the stairs and then over the edge into the area where all the fighting is done. Then I went into the upstairs office and grabbed the two smaller filing cabinets and dropped them in too. I used the filing cabinet and all the wooden crates to totally block off the nearest entrance, so that the combine wouldn't see the turrets and throw nade at em. I then used the barrels and smaller filing cabinets to block off the other entrance of the same side. I set up all 4 turrets near me, facing towards the far doors, and camped in the room with the chargers.

Very few combine came through the far doors, and were cut to pieces by the turrets, and those that were trapped and couldn't get in via either door got mowed down by me shooting through the bars. At one point a stray nade knocked over a few of my turrets, but I set em up again pretty quick and before I knew it Alyx showed up and I still had most of my health left.
This is rediculous. I don't know if I have some massive bug going on, but my turrets WILL NOT FIRE AT THE COMBINE. But they will still fire at me if I walk in front of them. Has anyone experienced this? It's kind of ruining the game at the moment. :bonce:

Here's a screen of where I'm at (the 3 turrets).

I just blocked off 3 of the entrances with crates and barrels and then had 3 turrets ready to mow them down on the last one. Sure I 'cheated', but they are the ones who made the damn fight impossible! Everytime I went to pick one up there was a soldier crawling down my back.
seinfeldrules said:
I just blocked off 3 of the entrances with crates and barrels and then had 3 turrets ready to mow them down on the last one. Sure I 'cheated', but they are the ones who made the damn fight impossible! Everytime I went to pick one up there was a soldier crawling down my back.

I wouldn’t call that ‘cheating’. I’d call that a strategy. That’s one thing about the Source Engine, you can play however you want. :)
Hah, that part sucked, until I learned that I could stack some crates to get to higher ground. There are six crates there, perfect for making three steps to get to a ledge in the center. I set up all the turrets right next to each other on the ledge, right by the railing, and I stood behind them. Combine couldn't get on the ledge, so the turrets would just gun them down.

I did the same general thing for the antlion guard there.
To the people discussing the second to last Nova Prospekt turret battle:

What I did was set up all three turrets in one of the cells on the side of the room, facing outward. Then I set up wooden boxes in front of the door so the soldiers couldn't get in, and I hid behind the boxes. The turrets took care of the soldiers most of the time, and they usually couldn't get past the boxes to knock the turrets down, but if they got too close I would pop up and blast them in the head at point blank with the shotgun. Eventually the boxes got destroyed by taking too much fire but by that time the onslaught was almost over and I ran to replenish health and shield, took out a few more with the shotgun, and then it was over.

I had a terrible time with that sequence until I tried that strategy, then it was easy.
I still like setting all the turrets along the back wall of a tiny room with barrels in front of them, facing the only entrance, and hiding in the corner (by the doorway) waiting for grenades to come in. Without the barrels they still got knocked over on my first attempt... but with them protecting the turrets I only had to throw back a single grenade (most of them died before they even had a chance to throw a grenade). Even those little manhack bastards were powerless against that setup. I kept seeing them fly right in front of me and explode before they got close enough to attack. I didn't fire a single shot... and I didn't get hit by a single shot.
That level is hell! I have been 30 time to loading.....!!!!!! I almost use cheat but i didn't use cheat......