Mother F-ing Snakes on a Plane (for real)

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: O

I have no idea, the gif is called asian balls... might not be good to even speculate.
But see... in the real world, snakes wouldn't go out of their way to attack people. The only exception for this quite possibly, are the largest non poisonous snakes, like Boa Constrictors and Anacondas. And only small people/children... and only if they're real hungry. They'd never have a chance to devour anybody on a plane though.

Yes, sadly, this is the reality of our world.
Pfff, everytime i get on a plane I sneak a snake in.

Didn't the police notice the snakes when they were checking the water bottles? I mean security must still be tight enough for checks.
I dont know. seriously, From the info i know, its a game console right?
Ill pm you the rest of the questions so we do not derail this thread. Willie, im not smoking, im constipated.
If i were smoking, it would be erm, i dunno, ill rather be blowing...

Yeah...........You're ****ing high.

Pass the marijuana. Now, about them snakes on that there plane.
That doesnt explain, everytime in almost every country, there is a check of water in all bottles, for drugs i think, and howd he fit a snake into a bottle?
Snakes can squeeze into places you wouldn't expect quite easily.

Once found one of the scaly bastards under my keyboard.
Reading Azner's posts have given me a migraine.

Bullet to the brainpan. D:
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