Mother kills 9 babies


Aug 13, 2004
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sry it happend in Germany so I dont have the text in english tell me where a online translator is, so I can translate it.

however a 39year old mother killed her 9 babies she had since 1988
after killing them she buried them in a flower box on the balcony....:(
she says she cant remember killing all of them, only 2-3 she was always drunk when she got them........

aint that some wicked shit?:x
btw I know my spelling isnt good:dozey:
Ahh, back to the wonderful news. Our forum is almost back to normal.

anyway, thats sick.
btw, translated by online translter:


Nut/mother of the get?ten babies?sert itself

The nut/mother of the nine dead babies from Brandenburg admitted two of their children directly after the birth to have get?t. Of the other acts remind it not, reported yourself the public prosecutor's office.

The 39-J?ige therefore stated, she had brought the nine babies alone and without assistance to the world. The public prosecutor's office schr?te the period of the births on 1988 to 1999.

The baby corpses were at Sunday in Blument?en and an aquarium on a Grundst? found in the place Brieskow Finkenheerd, on which the nut/mother and a sister of the 39-J?igen live. Against the 39-J?ige on Monday warrant of arrest had been issued. It sits in remand.

According to data of the unemployed persons dentist aid all found babies are their children. It admitted, first two the S?linge to have get?t. Starting from the third birth it has itself however when inserting that a blowing so strongly drunk that it has sp?r at nothing more remembers k?en.

According to the public prosecutor's office the woman hid the dead S?linge in Blument?en on the balcony. With several Umz?n it carried the T?e forward with the corpses. Finally the T?e was brought with the child corpses into the garage of the parents' house in Brieskow Finkenheerd the close Polish border.

F?eine psychological illness of the woman does not give it reference points. Zun?st no referring to further victims resulted in the search of the Grundst?s in Brieskow Finkenheerd, where on Sunday the skeletons of the children had been found, as well as further places of residence of the woman.

The woman has also four living children: A 21-j?ige daughter, two S?e at the age of 20 and 18 years as well as a small M?hen under two years. The youth welfare office Frankfurt at the or cared for briefly the j?ste child, after it had come between the woman and its Lebensgef?ten to disputes. (sda)

WTF is 'when inserting that a blowing so strongly drunk'?
Lemonking said:,1518,367891,00.html

sry it happend in Germany so I dont have the text in english tell me where a online translator is, so I can translate it.

however a 39year old mother killed her 9 babies she had since 1988
after killing them she buried them in a flower box on the balcony....:(
she says she cant remember killing all of them, only 2-3 she was always drunk when she got them........

aint that some wicked shit?:x
btw I know my spelling isnt good:dozey:

Only in Germany..
east Germany they arent really a part of Germany they just consum all the money.
ur german why cant u translate it :S ?
dalamari only in germany ? ....what about the columbine shooting and all the other nonsense
mindless_moder said:
ur german why cant u translate it :S ?
dalamari only in germany ? ....what about the columbine shooting and all the other nonsense

Oh so people are only allowed to say "Only in America" ???
Same ol' same ol', anything else?
Glad to see such enlightening, optomistic news. This thread made my day. Have a cookie.
I don't understand the significance. I eat babies all the time.
mortiz said:
I don't understand the significance. I eat babies all the time.

Err, go to the nearest Police Station and they'll tell you why its bad. Quickly, go.
TheSomeone said:
How did they fit in the flower pot?
Big pot and small babies = good fit.

Don't dwell on that thought too much though, may depress you. Hope you move on too.
Dead babies is plural, so it implies an infinite number of babies.
xlucidx said:
Oh so people are only allowed to say "Only in America" ???
Well, WE didn't spend our tax money for people looking for nukes did we?
You act like it's only in Europe. Oh and I don't count the UK as European, most of the people I know there don't want to be European so no European for them.
Skaadi said:
The people in the white suits are your friends

yeee theyy givee me tis pillllss that arrreee gooooodd:imu:


iiimmmuuuu:imu: :imu: :imu:
Help! psychos are running around with IMU armies and What the- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!