Mothers .... Gift Ideas ....


Sep 18, 2003
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It's my mums birthday on Monday, and I need to rush out and buy her a present tomorrow. The problem is, i've got no idea what to get her. Flowers and chocolates are the usual suspects, but this year I don't want to stick to that routine. She usually gets plenty of both.

Why are mothers so hard to buy for? :frown:
dont giver her material stuff, try giving yer mom a hug and a kiss and say i love you. Might even work better
And that's the last time I bring serious questions to the internet.
And that's the last time I bring serious questions to the internet.

LoL Teh internet is serious buisiness. :D

I got my mom a decent shirt for her birthday. Get her a nice shirt. Not one like the one your avatar is wearing.

She (not your mom, mine) got me a huge bottle of Kaluha and White Russian Mix and a bunch of other stuff, so I can't skimp.

I need to think about what to get her for Mother's Day. Any ideas?
buy her some bacon. she will never expect it.
Get her tuberculosis.

That, or a DVD.
buy her some bacon. she will never expect it.

You'll have to package it in an air-tight container, lest she smell it through the grease soaked wrapping paper, and see right through the clever veil.

Oh, and keep the pets away.
You could get here some bath salts and scented candles or something like that, assuming she uses them. Get something that's semi-classy and cheap, but not TOO semi-classy, otherwise you'll make her feel old.
I always ask my sister, she usually knows what mum wants.

Besides that, jewellery usually goes down well if you're looking to impress. Just try not to upstage your dad (if applicable).
Heh, we got one of those for mum awhile back, she loved it. Still pulls it out of the closet every now and then ;)
My mom <3 scented candles. That and snow man decorations.
Flowers i reckon. Like every other year... she cant really recieve gifts.
Well, my just sister tipped me off that my mum wants a bread maker ... so i've just got back from the supermarket with a breadmaker under my arm. Win.
Get her a tub of Mother's Car Polish...
Get her a new avatar. Like me.

No but seriously, write a card. Thoughts and words mean a lot to her no matter what you get her.
Besides that, jewellery usually goes down well if you're looking to impress. Just try not to upstage your dad (if applicable).

Yeah, I think jewellery goes down well, too. I bought my mum a "special mum" necklace one year, although obviously you don't have to buy something quite so sentimental. Just a nice pair of earrings would do, I think!