Mounted machine guns


Aug 7, 2004
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Does anyone know how to get the mounted machine guns?
Ive place static props and went to properties and tryed loading the world models and clicked in the sentry guns folder and nothing is in there, tried all of the other folders but can't seem to find it? any help would be usefull thanks.
Check the point-based entities, it is considered a monster.
You don't have an npc_turret_ceiling (or _floor, or _ground)? Are you using the halflife2 fgd?
JFry said:
You don't have an npc_turret_ceiling (or _floor, or _ground)? Are you using the halflife2 fgd?

I am trying to make the mounted machine guns that you can use.
ahh ok in that case you need a brush-based entity called func_tank.
Brush based....What the hell, how are we supposed to make a gun out of brushes?

Could you walk us through?
Remember the tank from halflife1? That is where this entity came from. Basically you just do your best to create a nice looking turret, select all your brushes and right-click and choose 'tie to entity' (or hit ctl+t), and choose func_tank, which has lots of options to fill in. I'm not quite sure what you aren't understanding.
Pretty sure those mounted guns in HL2 are models not brushes.. tied to some brush maybe but they look like models to me.
I made a small cube box brush and tied to entity and made the func tank, but it still looks like a box, how do i get it to look like a gun and usable? Ive tried messing around in the tied entity window with all the stuff but can't figure it out.
All I can tell you that the model you are looking for is in props_combine under name of bunkergun2.

How to make it work? I wanna know too...
HunterSeeker said:
All I can tell you that the model you are looking for is in props_combine under name of bunkergun2.

How to make it work? I wanna know too...

awsome, would making it a prop dynamic make it fire? don't see how making a brush and tieing a entity works?
Anyone figured out how to make a mounted gun yet, I have been trying to for the past 5 hours straight and still can't figure it out, any info woule help greatly.
anyone figure out how to make the bunkergun from the combine_prop usable ?
FryMike, how do you make func_tank a useable gun? It's an NPC gun isn't it? I tried to get it so that you can man it, but all of the parameters are for an NPC to man it. The only thing i can see that might have any way of converting it to player use is the Control Volume setting, "Name of a trigger the specifies the volume in which a player must be to control this tank.". It's automatically blank. If you fill in a parameter for this, will it allow a player to control it? And if so, what do you need for this? a number doesn't work i don't think...

You said it like you had used this, so can u help me out?
ok, i have figured out how to make a func tank gun from a brush entity, I will try to explain from the top of my head, firt off make a brush entity, then make it the afunc tank, make sure to give it a name. then make a trigger brush entity around it, make sure to give it a name, then go to the properties of the func tank brush. go to control volum and select the name of the trigger you made.
then change the pitch, yaw and etc, don't remember what to put them offhand, in the flags check active and controlable. this should do it , unless i forgot something. still can't figure out how to make the bunker gun from the combine props usable.
What happens if you make it a prop_dynamic? Parent it to... whatever... and then have it trigger env_gunfire, env_muzzleflash? This is random speculation and probably wouldn't work at all. (I was really just throwing out the prop_dynamic thing...)
Faulk_Wulf said:
What happens if you make it a prop_dynamic? Parent it to... whatever... and then have it trigger env_gunfire, env_muzzleflash? This is random speculation and probably wouldn't work at all. (I was really just throwing out the prop_dynamic thing...)

Ive tried the prop dynamic, but the triggers i will try.
Lol, idiot. The funny thing is i'm not even black. Hehe.

NEway, Goku, how do you make the trigger (entity) or whatever? What do i do to make that? and will th total volume of the trigger be the area ppl can acess the gun from? Does the gun actually work and fire?

As for making a gun, i can make one. I wish you could go down lower than one inch blocks to make stuff, but ican make a good gun. Oooh, another question, does it actually visually pivod and everythign? cuz i am making a map that's kinda like a factory, cept it's full of columns. There's a ramshackle building/control room in the exact center in a clearing in the columns. At the ends i am going to have the main control room for one team's spawn and a set of scaffolding and half done floors coming outta rough rock for the rest (so it's a heavily supported room being build underground, building still in progress). NEway, to the point, i wanna have mg's coming outta the finished side's spawn point, and those will have plenty of cover since they'll be outta windows in the wall. However, on the other side i wanna make the model for the gun to have a big ol shield covering the user, and that'd require the whole thing to swivel.

NEway, what i'm basically asking is the thing about the triggers and whether or not you trie dit and it worked (fired, swivelled, etc).
To make the trigger, make a brush around the area of the gun, and yes for the player. make the texture the trigger tool. then go to Tools and choose tie to entity. and yes it can swivel, but i have only made one brush successfuly swivel , don't know how to have other brushes swivel with it. put to make it swivel, choose the brush that you have made the func tank and make the pitch rate 600 and the yaw rate 600 and the pitch range 90. hope this helps
I need to know the same thing just i need to make my own vehicle models and place a mounted gun on that. So a player can go in and drive and a player can shoot + people in back rideing.
I presonaly think we shoud have access to HL2 maps like to open them and see how things are done. But now that that isnt the case...
Since this is very difficult to set up properly I ripped the data from the canals_01a map using unly a text editor.
This is the result. A completely functioning turret.

The tutorial map shows how to set up your mounted turrets, but you better just copy the whole thing because there are 1000's of settings to set up and aren't worth the time and nerves.

For the basic one you'll need:
"func_tank" - central functionality unit for a tank turret
"prop_dynamic" - just an animated model with bones
"trigger_multiple" - trigger where you stand
"info_target" - for npc's to be able to find the turret.

AI will use the gun too. Go passed the no tresspassing sign and then get back to the turret and wait for zombies.

In this map you can also see how to set up triggered spawning of zombies, pathing for AI and also the rebels. If you are making an sp map you'll also need "ai_relationship" triggering when the turret is overtaken by the other side (if you plan that look into the text file for clues), but that's another story.

Enjoy, and you're welcome. :D


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m00b said:
I presonaly think we shoud have access to HL2 maps like to open them and see how things are done. But now that that isnt the case...
Since this is very difficult to set up properly I ripped the data from the canals_01a map using unly a text editor.
This is the result. A completely functioning turret.

The tutorial map shows how to set up your mounted turrets, but you better just copy the whole thing because there are 1000's of settings to set up and aren't worth the time and nerves.

For the basic one you'll need:
"func_tank" - central functionality unit for a tank turret
"prop_dynamic" - just an animated model with bones
"trigger_multiple" - trigger where you stand
"info_target" - for npc's to be able to find the turret.

AI will use the gun too. Go passed the no tresspassing sign and then get back to the turret and wait for zombies.

In this map you can also see how to set up triggered spawning of zombies, pathing for AI and also the rebels. If you are making an sp map you'll also need "ai_relationship" triggering when the turret is overtaken by the other side (if you plan that look into the text file for clues), but that's another story.

Enjoy, and you're welcome. :D
Wow... heheh, nice work. This will help A LOT. :D
In the example .vmf posted, the machine gun makes fire sounds when you use it, but no bullets come out, and there is no muzzle flash. Is there a reason for this (perhaps not all of the stuff in the tank entity is set up properly?)?
Works fine for me. Try to DL again. I'd post a bsp file but it's too big.
I downloaded another .vmf that someone had made with one, and that's broken as well. What gives?
Alright, I looked more closely at the problem. I was loading up the maps in DM. They work fine in regular HL2, but do not work in HL2DM.

Anyone know how to make mounted machine guns for DM? I'd like to have some in a map I'm building.
Freaking.... You don't think a server plugin would work, do you? Because getting people to download a mod for my map isn't going to happen.

Just for kicks, though, does anyone know what source would have to be edited to get them to work? My c++ kung fu is not l33t yet.
Yeh, this is gay. i made a simple box as my gun, tied it to my trigger, and tried to use it in hl2dm. it swiveled (tho for some reason, even tho i tried changing the orientation, it insisted on using the broadside of the box to fire) and it made firing noise, but no damage (i shot at some boxes) and no up and down swiveling either. And i set parameters for that too. The other one does the same thing cept it DOESN"T swivel and it DOES do damage (the one the guy linked to)

We need a tutorial on this bad...
I wondering if it's because certain code isn't in the DM mode, so it won't work without a mod...I guess we won't know for sure unless Valve speaks up or we get the DM source code.

Someone should e-mail one of the designers at valve and ask them.
Oh for DM?! Nah that doesnt work. The gun was not meant for DM. Maybe they'll add support later.
Care to elaborate on how and WHY yours works then? Or attatch your map that the guns are in so that we can determine how they work?
I think Romeo might be messing with us. If he's serious, he should tell us. I'll buy him a beer if he does=) :cheers:
Just curious. Why the **** would they not put support in DM for mounted machine guns? I mean, i know it was a rush job to appease the fans they pissed off by only releasing half the game originally, but still, seems pretty simple.

Also, why is func_tank chooseable if it doesn't do anything?

Oh, and one of the turrets above DOES work. The one from the zombie level where you run past the sign to trigger the zombies. I copied and pasted it and stuck it in a test map for dm and it WORKED kinda. No sprites, no animation, but it still did damage (shot up some crates) and would still aim (tho you couldn't actually see the swivel)