Mouse and Keyboard Lock up


May 11, 2004
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Has any experienced and lock ups in their keyboard and mice?
Im using an MX510 and a microsoft multimedia keyboard.
I updated all drivers and I still have the lockup.
It only happens in games though not when im browsing the internet.
Like I could be running in a game and then all of a sudden when I want to turn around because im getting shoot at my keyboard locks up and I keep going forward.
And even worse sometimes when I see a guy run across screen that I want to shoot my mouse locks up and it wont move for about a second. Buy the time the mouse does move im dead.
I tried switching mice to see if that works and it didnt.
Im going to try switching keyboards now to but if that doesnt help does anyone have any ideas?
It is getting very frustrating. :flame:
Strange I have the same problem.

I use an MX500 and a Logitech Dinovo.
It mostly happens in CS where i'm running and shooting and stuff and everything locks up for about 2 seconds and then continues like normal.

Really irritating, haven't found a fix yet :(
Go search around in your steam/Half-Life folders and right click, then properties and enabled program compatability for Windows 98/ME. That should fix those type of problems with older games like Quake 2, CS, HL, etc.
Ok i will try that thanks. ya it only happens with half life mods. Its fine with unreal and far cry.
OK so I tried what you said and im still having troubles with the lockup and im also gettin a debug error.
Do you guys have ZoneAlarm running? That's been known to cause "sticky keys" like that.

Also, try write protecting config.cfg, that's fixed it for me in the past.

I get the same issue in CS these days, but only when I'm using Ventrilo.
K i will try that to thanks. Come to think of it though i never had this problem when i used nortan firewall. Now that im using zone alarm thats probably what it causing the problems.
No zonealarm, and compatibility mode didn't work..

I think it has something to do with logitech mouseware, i've had it since i installed the latest version.

Hmm.. downgrade then, but tomorrow, need sleep ;)
How do i write protect config.cfg? I found the file but I dont know what i should change it to? Read only?
I had the same issue with Day of Defeat... never did figure out what was going on... but now that my CPU is actually running as fast as it should, it went away.

The only things that seemed to help at all, and I'm not sure if this was just coincidence or what, were setting fps_max and fps_modem both to 99. No idea why that effects anything like that, but...