Mouse Wheel design


Feb 3, 2005
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Is anyone aware of a mouse that features a mouse wheel which does not rotate completely - instead, when you push the wheel up for example, it increases the 'scroll speed' variably.

The best example I can think of would be that the up and down motion on the wheel would be analog (like triggers on a 360 game pad) so the further you tilt the wheel up or down, the faster it scrolls the page.

I think that if there was a wheel like that, it would allow for some pretty accurate smooth scrolling in a web browser or long documents. I don't see why it wouldn't work fine in games. I think it would be comparable to rotating the wheel fast or slow, depending on how far you pushed it.
Yes, that's amazing. Unfortunately they don't put these on laptops anymore since 2001. My laptop has such a thing for scrolling, it really works like a charm for websites. Same for analog volume switches, everything has to look/feel more 'digital' these days.
I'm not sure if I saw the idea somewhere else (maybe it was a laptop), but for a while, I was looking for a keyboard with a spring loaded analog slider (like a media control off to the side) - a feature with a similar action (and result) to the wheel I described. So, I welcome a keyboard suggestion as well, if anyone knows of one.
Lenovo puts these 'Trackpoint' alternative mice on their laptops, probably there are programs to use them for scrolling.
I can definitely see some market for mice using such a thing for scrolling, shame everyone has forgotten about them.

Well, I have no idea of any existing mice/keyboards.