Movie Trailer Thread


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Some Good (and bad) looking moves to come:

Yea I know im going to get flamed for this first one, but I still think it looks interesting-


or (better imo)

Shrek 2
Probably have already seen it, but its still good

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
This one looks decent.. Not sure if ill pay to see it but bleh

Looks alright, not a big fan of Orlando Bloom or Brad Pit so maybe thats why :)

Before Sunset
Looks too mushy, bleh bleh bleh

King Arthur
Now this looks like it could be good!
(Still think monty pythons rendition is better :) )

Alien Vs. Predator
Has the possibility of being a good movie, hope it doesn't turn out to be another Jason v. Freddy crap show.

Spiderman 2
Woohoo for spidey, hope its as good as the first! (newest)

Oh God, what next? This looks to be the worst movie of 04' Other than it has halley barry in skin tight latex :)

Well thats all for now, feel free to add trailers if you wish :)
I have no idea what to make of the chronicles of riddick. I thought pitch black was a really good low budget film. The director made good use of what he had.

Spiderman 2 has to be woot.

King Arthur - Why are they wearing Roman uniforms? Did the creators get them cheap from the gladiator wardrobe or something? It doesn't look like it delves into the fantasy side of the Arthurian legend which is unfortunate.....I think it'll be another failed attempt at telling the story of King Arthur. The best attempt so far was Excalibur.
Mr-Fusion King Arthur - Why are they wearing Roman uniforms? [/QUOTE said:
I was wondering that myself... It would be good if they gave the Legend of Arthur and not the history... I hate history :p (the boreing parts anyway)
The hellboy trailer looked amazing, really funny and the CG looked spot on, the Sky Captain film also looks really interesting - Jude Law, Angelina Jolie etc.

Spiderman 2 does look great, but don't you think they give too much away in the trailers - it's almost like the film's highlights, unless they're hiding some big twist (extra characters), btw does anyone know whether Bruce Campbell is in this one?
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
Actually looks decent enough....haven't read the books, but the series have been very good so far

Loved pitch black - this movie looks like its gonna be a real blockbuster - looking forward to the game too

Shrek 2
First one was'nt half-bad and eddie murphy was hilarious as donkey....lets see if the second can live up to its predescessor (sp?)

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
Officially passed here

Looks awesome - scene with the thousand of ships looked iffy tho....I'm not really counting on a new 'gladiator' here tho

Before Sunset
Pass - girlfriend might want to watch it tho, so i might get forced

King Arthur
Pass - might be cool and all with the legend kinda following 'true' history....Ultimate interpetation was and always will be Excalibur

Alien Vs. Predator
Must see flick - just because i'm such a sucker for alien and predator movies

Spiderman 2
Action packed cgi-rama-rama flick....only in it for the effects, not really expecting a deep story here

Oh god no....this one just looks awful, even halle barry can't save this one

Sky Captain
Vintage forevar :D - did anyone else notice that the robots in this flick looks like the ones from the old animated superman series (1960's?)
I'm not seeing King Arthur unless it has John Cleese.

Damn though, that new HP trailer, Emma Watson is deinitely looking very fu-- *chokes on skittles*
Can someone explain how the character in pitch black has ended up fighting what looks like space-egyptians?
Deadline said:
King Arthur
Now this looks like it could be good!
(Still think monty pythons rendition is better :) )
I have never seen such a shit-looking big-budget film. The scene with Knightely lying in the coach is a blatant rip-off from Gladiator, Arthur's voice is about as dull and irritating as it gets and it can't even be historically accurate, even if the story itself is legend. :dozey:
Murray_H said:
Can someone explain how the character in pitch black has ended up fighting what looks like space-egyptians?
It is a prequel.
Sky Captain did peak my interest. (OK, I'm a sucker for that old-school serial style)
I was actually more interested in it when I did a little looking around for info. Pretty much the entirety of the movie other than the actors is CG, something they did so they could make it look like a living cartoon. I also think its humorous just because so much of it is ripped from Crimson Skies too. :D
It may be bork, but it at least looks interesting.
I'm a fan of the first 2 films in the alien series and the first predator film but we all know AvP will be a big pile of steaming cat poo... For one its directed by Paul Anderson who is well known for bieng a director to turn B movie scripts into hollywood budgeted B Movie films. Lets go down the checklist of the films he's done...

Event Horizon - B movie script turned into exrtremely boring sci-fi flick with a basic premise thats laughable... 3/10

Mortal Kombat - absolutely dire film... I cant think of any redeeming features for this terrible piece of film... 2/10

Resident Evil - Another crap B movie plot taken from a game although Milla jovovich is always watchable and puts on a good performance here which prevents the film turning into a piece of rat crap it could have been... 5/10

Soldier - crap film, crap plot and crap acting... 1/10

I want AvP to be a good film but ive read a supposed leaked script of the film and judging from the trailer it has to be the real thing and the ending will just make fans of the alien series puke....


The film takes place in an ancient temple that has been found under the ice in antarctica and ends suggesting that the alien 'xenomorphs' from the alien films are living amongst us in the present stalking us as prey... This goes against canon for the alien films where we all know that if the aliens reach earth they will basically turn each and every person on the planet into a host for a chestburster...
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
Cant wait: love the books, movies were pretty good

"Loved pitch black - this movie looks like its gonna be a real blockbuster - looking forward to the game too" -my feelings exactly

Shrek 2
first one was awesome. I was dubious about this one, but looks like it'll be just as long as they dont try to make a trilogy outta it.

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead

Good movie idea. Why did they get rid of the mythology?

Before Sunset

King Arthur
About the armor: this takes place circa 400 AD. Roman armor was the armor of the time. Looks pretty good.

Alien Vs. Predator
Sounds pretty cool, though i generally dont like versus movies. It screws up the movie continuum. I see each movie as taking place in its own universe.

Spiderman 2
I seem to be one of the few who didnt like the first one. I dont expect much outta the second one.


Sky Captain
Could be cool. The atmosphere is great.

The only site you'll ever need.

The movies I'm looking most forward to is Shrek 2, Harry Potter, and maybe King Arthur if it's ok. It looks like a complete Gladiator rip.
Varsity said:
I have never seen such a shit-looking big-budget film. The scene with Knightely lying in the coach is a blatant rip-off from Gladiator, Arthur's voice is about as dull and irritating as it gets and it can't even be historically accurate, even if the story itself is legend. :dozey:

**corny hollywood movie voice**

King Arthur the movie! Based on a true legend.
Foxtrot said:
It is a prequel.

No actually chron. of riddick is'nt a prequel - i've read a few previews, and the movies seems to take place 5 or so odd years after pitch black..
the only movie on that list i want to see if harry potter. Im not a huge movie person (infact i never go to the movies). I've read the books so it should be fun.
Right-click save
Looks like a killer idea when its coming out tho (late summer anyone?)
Btw the movie is based on the Hellblazer comics, if that interests anyone.

The village
Trailer Website
Looking forward to this one too.....sounds friggin' scary
I think Catwoman will be totally crap, just by looking at one pic of that horrible costume.

AvP I was interested in, but if an idiot director breaks with the AvP (Yes, they are the same universe) storyline, I'll bloody well give it a miss.