Movies that you missed


Mar 22, 2005
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Have there ever been any movies that you really wanted to watch, but you procrastinated until it stopped showing in theatres, ie you missed the movie and now you regret it?

I wanted to watch Dancer in The Dark, by Lars von Trier a few years back but I never got around to doing that.
Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2. Eventually saw it on TV though so its all good.

I Heart Huckabess. Bought it on DVD.

Shaun of the Dead. DVD.
I used to admire Lars von Trier and the films he made until I found out some of the things he does on his film.. Personally I think killing animals is bad enough but when its for the sake of a movie scene it's wrong, I don't care if "they ate it afterwards so it didn't go to waste", there was simply no need for it, it would have been cheaper to fake it like others do. That and he's a bit of a creepy guy too. Creepy bad not creepy good. I'd not let him near my female friends without watching him like a hawk and keeping him atleast 10 feet away from them thats for sure..

Kingdom Hospital was good though, and the Dogma95 rules are interesting, but kinda sap most of the fun out of making a movie IMO. Though great for students who don't know any better :)
Would have been great big screen, but saw it on a scrathy video a couple of years after.
CR0M said:
Would have been great big screen, but saw it on a scrathy video a couple of years after.
naaa mate, the ending was still as shitty on the big screen, even if Foster had performed oral sex on another woman it wouldn't have saved that movie :p
I disagree - contact was a great experience on the big screen, you missed out...
I heart Huckabees and motorcycle diaries, haven't seen them yet but i intend to, some day. For some reason i keep stoping myself from renting them...
operative x said:
I heart Huckabees and motorcycle diaries, haven't seen them yet but i intend to, some day. For some reason i keep stoping myself from renting them...

Its a crime that you haven't seen motorcycle diaries! Its brilliant in everyway possible! Its in my top 5. Watch it.

As for me, I still haven't seen adaptation.
I missed the 2nd and 3rd Lord of The Rings movies. I could of seen the 2nd one for free at anytime too, but I didn't, how odd, yes, very odd.
Harryz said:
As for me, I still haven't seen adaptation.

Go buy it immediately. Give it a chance, it's a hilarious, brilliant film. Kaufman is a screenwriting god.
The Dark Elf said:
naaa mate, the ending was still as shitty on the big screen, even if Foster had performed oral sex on another woman it wouldn't have saved that movie :p

You think? the ending was cool I thought - james woods is so good as a politician :cool:
Great subtle effects, acting, concept. Still one of my favourite films...
havent seen matrix 2 & 3, LOTR 2 & 3, Fight club (ya, ya I know), star wars (last one ..but I really dont care), Sin City (will see it when I get chance)

TDE: Which Lars von Triers movie features the animal killing (I'll know to aviod it) ...too bad cuz I like his films
Bohonkie said:
Go buy it immediately. Give it a chance, it's a hilarious, brilliant film. Kaufman is a screenwriting god.

LOL, I have. =/

I just haven't had time to watch it. I know its going to be good, but for some reason I can't draw myself to watch it.