Movies you could watch several times


Dec 29, 2004
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Are there any movies you could watch several times, like once a week.
I sure watched Jurassic Park 3 every day in a week :D

But that was on VHS and now we only have DVD, so im waiting for the Jurassic Park collection to be released, then i might watch The Lost World few days a week :D
I seem to have done this with "Groundhog Day". That's had a lot of use in it's life.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...

I could watch that movie 5 more times and still not entirely understand it :p
Idonotbelonghere said:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...

I could watch that movie 5 more times and still not entirely understand it :p

That's cos it's 1 big Acid trip rofl.

I think I've seen it twice now; always better to watch it ****ed, you understand it more, heh :p
Fight Club. And that's just waiting for the ending music... "with your feet in the air and your head on the grounddd," lah lah lah.

Also, The Big Lebowski.
Memento, the dvd fav film....once you get to the ending you haveto watch it again...
Groundhogs Day FTW!

Stand by Me too. Dunno why though :|
I cant watch that kind of movies several times, why i love Jurassic Park is because of the dinos :D
Garfield_ said:
I sure watched Jurassic Park 3 every day in a week :D

You enjoyed Jurassic Park 3?

Groundhog Day is awesome. Bill Murray rules. For me, its Lost in Translation, I can't get enough of this movie, you either hate it or love it.
groundhog day
the big lebowski
pulp fiction
resevoir dogs
forrest gump
shawshank redemption
51st state

Apart from that I dunno
I bet some idiot will say 'porn', but that would certainly not be me


21 Grams- I ned to watch it another 128937283 times to get it
Watched sideways again last night and it was even funnier, love that film...also The Machinist, and The Usual Suspects, any films like that are rewarding the second time around as you know the twist and everything makes sense in a different way...kinda
M*A*S*H - I watched this film about 3 times in the past few days. it's great.
Lord of the Rings... if you watch it as a triliogy. By the time you've watched the end of Return of the King, you'll have forgotten the Fellowhip of the Ring, so you can watch it again! :D
Stalingrad, I've watched that hundreds of times now.
The thing. Not sure why...

Jurassic Park 3? That was bloody awful.
Pulp Ficion
Reservoir Dogs
Fight Club
Saving Private Ryan
oh dear.

all tarantino films. all star wars movies. fight club. saving private ryan. we were soldiers. james bond films. bladerunner (hella cool cyberpunk? yes, please!). all zombie films.

oh and sexy backdoor kittens volume seventeen.
American ninja 1, 2, and 3 (haven't seen 4 or 5 yet)

Delta Force 1, and 2

(of course absolutely drunk out of my mind, otherwise they aren't as hilarious)
Every ****ing movie in my collection...except from LOTR... piece of shit
I find that Equilibrium never gets stale for me.
I've watched the Back to the Future trilogy a ridiculous amount of times
Also, Almost Famous, the Royal Tenenbaums, Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense
The Big Lebowski

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

The Lost Highway

Mulholland Dr.

Terminator 2


Saving Private Ryan

Bringing Out The Dead
Absinthe said:
The Big Lebowski

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

The Lost Highway

Lynch fan? Funnily enough I've ordered these 3 on DVD. Will be getting the Mulholland Dr. Soundtrack soon aswell.:E
I've seen Saving Private Ryan 27 times and The Big Lebowski 15 times, so I could watch either of those over and over.
Absinthe said:
The Big Lebowski

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

The Lost Highway

Mulholland Dr.

Terminator 2


Saving Private Ryan

Bringing Out The Dead

ah robert blake ...your avatar ..couldnt remember if that was Lost Highway or not
i think i'll watch saving private ryan again tonight....but yeah its something i like to watch frequently because its just so ****ing good
harry potter and the philosophers stone(only this one), and old school.
Saving Private Ryan
Battlestar Glactica Mini-series DVD (It's 3 hours long)
Harryz said:
Lynch fan? Funnily enough I've ordered these 3 on DVD. Will be getting the Mulholland Dr. Soundtrack soon aswell.:E

HUGE fan. I'm looking for the Twin Peaks series on DVD as well, but nobody seems to carry it. :hmph: Seems I'll be ordering that one.
i'm a big lynch fan aswell...

just finished watching saving private ryan god its overwhelming. you forget just how good it is when you haven't watched it for a while