Movies you see/saw forward too


Jan 2, 2006
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For me it's definetly dark knight After seeing the trailer again yesterday at the hulk, I feelt like i was 10 years old waiting for cristmas or something. Hulk however, wich i thought was good, i never really looked forward too.

What movie do you wait for? Iron man, hulk and even happening count if you look forward to them. But tell me if you found them worth the wait.
I take it that in the title you meant... Movies you're looking forward to?
Anyways, Dark Knight's the only one I'm interested in atm.

The new Indy basically killed my hype for anything.
Yeah the new indy killed hype for me too. :(

But i am looking forward to:
the dark knight
the x files
quantum of solace
watchmen (2009)

ALso I seen iron man and the hulk and I liked the hulk and loved iron man.
I take it that in the title you meant... Movies you're looking forward to?
Anyways, Dark Knight's the only one I'm interested in atm.

The new Indy basically killed my hype for anything.

Ya, thats what i meant. Sorry.
I'm waiting to see how the Halo movie/interactive experience will turn out, if it's ever finished...
The Dark Knight and Qauntum of Solace.
I just watched the Imdb page for Watchmen, and i gotta say, it looks intressting.
Cool costumes if anything.
The Dark Knight, The X-Files: I Want to Believe and Avatar.
I have really, really high hopes for Watchmen. I've seen some of the screens, and it's looking good so far. I'm actually more excited to see the teaser for Watchmen at The Dark Knight than The Dark Knight itself.
Anything as of now, nothing catches me so hard that I HAVE to go see it.

I was really up in arms about seeing Jumper...pretty good film. Other than that...uhhh...I don't get too hyped for movies.
Well, i was only asking if you looked forward to any movie. You don't have to be super hyped for it.
Im asking becouse it feels like i have no good clue about any good movies that are coming up.
I was really up in arms about seeing Jumper...pretty good film.

You are kidding right?

*checks to see if leg is being pulled*
WALLe with a passion.

Dark Knight too, of course.

Edit: Ah, forgot the 007 movie
Need to read the Watchmen graphic novel, heard nothing but good things about it.

Movies I'm looking forward to? Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Dark Knight and The Good, the Bad, and the Weird.
I just saw the trailer to the new Mummy movie. I feelt like they showed way to much in the trailer.
The new setting's cool but the fact that they replaced Brendan Fraser's wife in the movie with a completely different actress kills it for me.

Why the heck did they have to make a third one anyway.

So it's besicaly like this:

The Mummy - good
The Mummy Returnes - mediocre
The Mummy 3 - shit

How predictable...

And to answer the thread question, the only movies I'm slightly looking forward to are: the X-Files, Transporter 3 and Quantum of Solace.
I spoke with someone who said they saw an early screening of the Dark Knight. They said it was bad D:

Fortunately they were probably full of shit.

Gonna see the Hulk tonight.
I spoke with someone who said they saw an early screening of the Dark Knight. They said it was bad D:

I think my heart skipped a beat when i read that.
I don't know if I'd really trust them, though.
Heath Ledger's final movie can't possibly be shit.
It can't, therefore the person you spoke with is lying and should be kicked in the testes.
Heath Ledger's final movie can't possibly be shit.
It can't, therefore the person you spoke with is lying and should be kicked in the testes.

Well, I actually think she's just an idiot. I would gladly kick her testes, or lack of them, were she not in Texas.
The Mummy 3 has a different actress? the ****...
Anything as of now, nothing catches me so hard that I HAVE to go see it.

I was really up in arms about seeing Jumper...pretty good film. Other than that...uhhh...I don't get too hyped for movies.

I was at the movies with a friend and he said he wanted to see it after the preview showed. I looked at him and said, "Dude, are you serious?" He was. Very serious. :|
Just saw Hulk. Chalk Avengers up on the list:p
I was at the movies with a friend and he said he wanted to see it after the preview showed. I looked at him and said, "Dude, are you serious?" He was. Very serious. :|

I got slightly hyped to see it.

I was mildly disappointed because all of the acting in it was fairly bad.
Other than that it was a solid popcorn flick.