Moving brushes - Hammer bug?


Apr 13, 2004
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Sometimes when I move a brush, instead of it actually being moved when I release the mouse a dashed outline will appear. It is then an origin to manipulate the actual brush - if I rotate for example, the 'ghost' brush will be the axis around which the actual brush (still in the same place) will move. But I don't want this. If I drag a brush and the movement icon is there, I want to move it!
I've also had a similar thing happen when resizing brushes: I will grab the handle and have the correct mouse cursor, but inexblicably a selection band will be drawn in the view instead of the brush changing.

How can I turn these 'features' off?
Varsity said:
Sometimes when I move a brush, instead of it actually being moved when I release the mouse a dashed outline will appear. It is then an origin to manipulate the actual brush - if I rotate for example, the 'ghost' brush will be the axis around which the actual brush (still in the same place) will move. But I don't want this. If I drag a brush and the movement icon is there, I want to move it!
I've also had a similar thing happen when resizing brushes: I will grab the handle and have the correct mouse cursor, but inexblicably a selection band will be drawn in the view instead of the brush changing.

How can I turn these 'features' off?

its just the group ungroup tool, I do it by accident all the time, just press enter and it will disappear, I dont think you can turn it off.
I've tried that: it gets rid of it, but then I have to start again and the same thing happens. I have to go and work on another part of the map and come back later to continue.
Or you could hit esc and it should keep the selection youve made.