Moving to Bulgaria! Soft Porn at bus stops!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Bus passengers in Sofia are being shown soft porn films on giant video screens at night.

During the day the plasma screens in the Bulgarian capital show bus times, but the night shift now has the porn films on view.

A spokesman for the station management said: "We wanted to give the passengers something to take their minds off the cold and to pass the time while waiting for a bus, and there are unlikely to be children around that time of night."

The move however has angered many, including mothers with young children, who say the movies are a disgrace.

They also claim the security guards have stopped patrolling for troublemakers, and spend their time watching the giant screens instead.
Perfect. There goes my "it's the vibration" excuse.
Wow genius thinking, ya know? I mean what better than to show porn on big screen TVs in public at night.

Jesus christ... can people get any moronic?
Sure would help me pass the time if I missed the bus! The feminists would go mad if we ever tried that here, though.
You know what takes my mind off the cold?


They really haven't thought this through have they? Litter will increase no doubt as bus stops will become stockpiled with used tissues and the like. Awesome.
what about buses made whit anti-cold materials

however the idea is nice,and sure kids will start to use buses on that hours
Sure would help me pass the time if I missed the bus! The feminists would go mad if we ever tried that here, though.

EVERYBODY would go nuts. Sex is a very natural thing, why do we have to censor it. If we uncensored it, and let it go, it would probably take a generation for everybody to get completely comfortable with it..but once we do, we don't have to worry about it.

People have sex so often these days because it's the forbidden thing to do. I'm sure if we were more open towards it, then we wouldn't have near as many pregnant teens, imho..
I see no problem with it, it's not like there's anything immoral about sex or pornography (assuming it's relatively normal porn).

hahaha, too bad they didn't do that when i was there 2 years ago :(

hahaha, too bad they didn't do that when i was there 2 years ago :(

*points finger*

<nelson's laugh> ha haa!<nelson's laugh>


Praise the bugga that thought of that!