MP requirements?


Aug 6, 2004
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i was wondering what are the requirements for a multiplayer map? like:

-number of players

i just finished making a SP map and now i want to make a MP, so i wanted to ask what rules do i have to follow to make a functional and playable map? are there any sites with this information? or do i just have to use my intuition? :p

There are no requirements set for a map, other then being enclosed by brushes and having start positions. Other then that, it's up to your own descretion.
-does not look like a hl1 map
-physics objects, but not too many.
Those are not reguirements. They are just general, well known guidelines. Though, some people treat them like they are, and act as if those who do something different should punished.
you're right, everyone should make boring, ugly maps with no physics objects.

i suppose if having fun isn't a requirement for you when you consider a map, you are probably in heaven with so many maps that have come out! :smoking:
Fun is not a requirement for a map, but for a good map, it is. :)
ok, ok, calm down...i get it!

it's just that i wanted to add lots and lots of physic tricks, but i'm a little worried that woult lag alot!

fun is definitely a important factor, so i'll try to stick with it, i'm more worried for the tecnical poin of view how the map would behave!

but anyway...

if it is a dm map then you need a info_player start entity no leaks in the map custom lighting or it aint cool shit to shoot vairous textures

if it is css map then you need a info_player start info_counterterrorist
info_terrorist cool shit to shoot around coustom lighting or it aint cool
buyzones vairous textures use diff ones

btw most of these arent required but it helps to make your map look and play well
well be sure to keep the map playable over network.
use +showbudget ingame to see what can be improved on framerates....