

Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
yeah i made it. sorry i took so long. :-|
i dont know why the render is soo dark. but yeah. isnt too great but i think its ok. didnt optimize yet. dont know if i'm going to. didnt even optimize my tank which i was supposed to send to frank. :| shits not going too good.
EDIT: the stock of the gun took quite a lot of polys. i think we can remove the stock since we wont be seeing it ingame. who knows.


  • mp5clayi.jpg
    91.6 KB · Views: 276
hey there glad to see your back. the mp5 is looking really nice so far is it animateable ?. btw if you need to send me anything just email it to my gmail franklynd[ AT!] .
ummm would u mind optimizing it urself and all? i dont know if i can come up with the time to optimize it. i got sooo much crap for school and all. plus i really want to have some time to learn how to model characters and faces. i've read like 3 tutorials but i dont seem to have the motivation that i had before. like i would read them but i wouldnt have what it takes to make a box. :|
Ahh ya lazy sod!!! Optermize it your self :p

Nice model though, looks like an mp5
lol i wish i could. i can only stay on the computer for like 1 hour a day. my mom really hates me when i use the computer. :|
hehe nice one man i was expectin u to take much longer. is this for our super super super secret project yeah? just send it to me an ill optimize it. youll need to export it though.
i wouldnt mind optimising it mate . btw you should have a heart ot heart with your mom tell her how important 3d is to you because you obviously have the talent.
lol she would slap me and say "get your head straight, dont u know whats important in life?" shit man...i've been fighting for this shit my whole life. i can never win. :(
edit: what file format does xsi use? cant u import a 3ds model? or is that a nono?
doubleedit: what the hell does exporting to adobe illustrator do? how do u do it? i wanna try it but i'm not doing it right and it says "no data to export" :|
well, when it comes to arguing with parents, it's usually a lose-lose-proposition. maybe do you think she's not sure about what you're doing on the computer? i'm not a parent, but if i had any kids, i'd be pretty worried about them if they went on the internet. *sigh*........ i'm REALLY sorry i can't come up with a solution to help you.;(
oh. i got sidetracked. i was watching someone blow bubbles in jacuzzi water. anyway, yeah nice MP5. thank god it's MP. if it wasn't, it would be maschinenpistole (it's pronounced: muh-shee-nen-pis-tO-luh. alternatively, it could be muh-shee-nin-pis-tOl-luh. the O is pronounced like the letter).
i'd get a 3D program, but ever since an incident occured, i'm gonna try to avoid it. oh yeah, some stupid hacker got into my computer a few days ago. i got him out and got a little payback of my own. i won't tell you what i did, but let's just say i hope he knows what a boot drive is... uh, they should make an emoticon that combines the naughty thing with the wink. oh ONE MORE THING. do you know how to make an MP5K? if you don't know what that is, just tell me and ill attatch a picture of one to a post. again, i sincerely appologize for not being able to help out. i just wish i could;(
lol xana, yes i know a mp5k, its the one with the extra handle/grip bar or whatever and has like no gun butt. i think thats it. and yeah.....i seriously doubt theres anything dangerous on the internet. i mean what the hell can a kid do on the internet? like the worst thing would be watching porn. and that isnt even like severly bad or anything. i dont understand. and nobodie watches porn 24/7 thats like physically impossible.
crackhead: yeah i'll just send over the model. ur gonna need to weld vertices, take out extra edges, removes excess verts. all the usual crap. didnt merge the line of symetry stuff. i dont think that should be too hard. also theres like 10 objects(parts of the guns), its not all connected. i hope thats not a problem.
ooooooooooookay.......... evidently you haven't heard of people getting assaulted because they give out personal info have you? well if you haven't, you have now. as you know, young children that have internet access (sp?) will be total blondes and blurt out where they live, how old they are, etc. HAH! stick that in your pipe and smoke it (lol)!
P.S. i never mentioned anything about internet porn. well....... i guess we all know what's on your mind, eh?:naughty:
....i dont watch porn that much. and i dont consider it really bad. how can animal instincts be considered a sin? that shit doesnt make sense. animals all have it and we dont go around burning animals on crosses and shit. anyways, u have to be a stupid shit to give our personal info in order to get beatup/assualted/raped/anythinginbetween. a total dumbass. also internet chatting and relationships are a total waste of time. booooooooooooooooring. :D
edit: anyways going to bed. got a shitload of reading. tired. just sneaked on to type a message.
well there is a LOT of gorey content online people getting beheaded and what not that i personaly wouldnt want anyone watching, let alone an 11 yr old kid.
yeah theres lots of stuff online i wouldnt want my kids to watch, if i had kids that is, liek animal beastality and all the gory stuff that mindless mentioned like on and and all the excrement eating websites. and also lots of kids have met guys on chatrooms gone to meet them only to find out its a 40 yr old man who then kidnaps them and does god only knows what to them.
i know YOU don't think you're a little kid, but I do!
just joking. but anyway, as i said, there's a lot of ways that sexual predators (the people, not the movie monster) can get info out of you. i heard one way they do it is by pretending their a teenager. first it's "hi, i'm ********. what's your name?", then it's "i live at ***********. where do you live?". then it just keeps going until they've got enough info to find you. after that, they'll be all over you (literally!). they'll be on you like a fat kid on a Smartie™.
lol. i would knock that guy out. i would fight any of them mofos. and i dont think guys rape guys or girls rape guys. i think u only need to be afraid of the internet if ur a girl. lol
guys most certainly rape guys.

and xana you speak from experience?
Isn't the mag a little short? Maybe it's just the perspective.

Also the pistol grip needs to be rounded off.
crackhead said:
guys most certainly rape guys.

and xana you speak from experience?
shut up:frown:!!!!! no i do not you dumb blonde! besides, would i lie to you?....... well, yes, but i'm not right now and that's beside the point. why do you think i posted about that kind of thing earlier, huh? because it's true! that's why! plus, what kind of blonde would say it if it wasn't true? A REALLY DUMB ONE!!!....... like you:p
xC4RN4G3x said:
lol. i would knock that guy out. i would fight any of them mofos. and i dont think guys rape guys or girls rape guys. i think u only need to be afraid of the internet if ur a girl. lol
how naive :rolleyes: lol.
shut up!!!!! no i do not you dumb blonde! besides, would i lie to you?....... well, yes, but i'm not right now and that's beside the point. why do you think i posted about that kind of thing earlier, huh? because it's true! that's why! plus, what kind of blonde would say it if it wasn't true? A REALLY DUMB ONE!!!....... like you

where is this faccism towards blondes coming from im not even blonde. plus what i said wasnt dumb it was just a joke. take a chill pill jeez
i love reading the first post, then skimming through the last couple to see how absurdly off topic threads go lol
hehe. anyway carnage i imported the mp5 alright. ill email you with some custom props n stuff. you keep fighting for more computer usage time :D

p.s the poly count aint too high its 4000 and once ive deleted the right hand side it shoud be 2000.
hey crack head are you making some sort of mod or something ? if so you think i could model/texture something ? i havent done any 3d in a long time.
sure infact you can texture the mp5 if ya want. if you wana do some models its mainly character models that were working on. all the weapons have been finished. but yeah any work you could contribute would be greatly appreciated. my email is [email protected]
theres a shitload of excess polygons in the middle of the gun. there are excess polygons i used in a lot of places just to get the shape. u should delete them lol. sorry, i guess its just how i model :|
just a quick tip crack ... you should replace the @ in ur email with a [a-t] when posting on forums . or u might get spammed lol.
no wonder i get soo much spam and junk email. god damn. :| someone shoulda told me a long time ago. maybe i just forgot....i dont know. ugh.
hey, carnage. what's up with your avatar? what is it? where'd it come from? are you a fan of it's origin? did i leave the curling iron on? why is he red? is he mad? is he happy? is he a sadist? i know kung fu
lol ur so random. well i dont know if u grew up watching spiderman or reading spiderman(ur prolly too old), but yeah....the guy in my avatar was the nemesis of spiderman(he has many enemies but this guy was seriously psycho). he's a psycho killer who got the symbiote(the red stuff) while he was in prison. the symbiote fused with his blood and therefore he is now one being and whenever he gets cut, the monster comes out.yeah his names carnage(venoms a pussy by the way).