msi k8n neo 4 platinum, pissed of me

baron insig

Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
due to the fact that msi rolled out a motherboard that sometimes wont oc past 229 219 in the bios and the fact that the mem voltage only goes to 2.85 and it doesnt support ocz ddr booster i have to to the decision that is a rather crap motherbord considering the fact i paid 120 pounds for it when i can get a bloody dfi lanparty piece of kit for the same price whihc is infinitly better,

i decided to sell it:) if i can....

any suggestions??:P contemplating ebay but i dont really trust it

nb, this isnt an offer to to make a purcahse from me, i dont trust u lot:P
Ebay I guess would be best. I always sell my stuff to local ppl I know or friends.

Just because it doesn't support those voltages or non-standard memory accessories doesn't mean it's a crap board. :\
yeh but you would have thought it could at least oc, past that its sucha massive fault which they havent been able to correct and doesnt tell you that when u buy it.!

also i updated bios and now the board deicdes to use a cpu multi of 5 and vcore of 1.1V

in bios it is all set to what it should be but somehow by the time it gets to windows it spoons so i have to clock it back up to what it should be in windows everytime i boot:@

joims annoyed
OCing is extra and you read reviews to see what OCing options are available via bios. Buying blind is not such a good idea.
lotsa reviews didnt pick this up tho, the winchester core is the only one with the bug and its only the later versions of the winny whihc have the ability to cause the bug with the bios so not many reviews of it do actually pick it up

im just goign to feign idiocy and attempt an rma

any ideas on what i can say that will get me a refund??:)