

May 28, 2003
Reaction score
I just noticed that someone popped up on msn with the name find out who has deleted or blocked you. Ok whatever, then 5 min later another contact shows up with the exact same name. Anybody have any idea if this is a new msn virus passing around? I don't want to visit the site for fear of infection or malware or whatever
lol noobs, anyone stupid enough to put in their email and password deserves to lose their account. but yeah its trojan that will spam an auto msg to anyone who msgs them
i used it once. it worked, but as xlostx said it changes your nickname to the url and it has a message. i changed my password and stuff later, just in case. haven't had anything bad happen since.

there's a safer and more effective way to check who's blocked/deleted you. on the Messenger window, just go to Tools>Privacy and click on the View button. The people that show up are the ones that actively have you in their contact list (those that have not deleted you or blocked you); so if you have added a contact and it does not appear in that list, he or she has deleted you. this is proven, i've added and deleted myself on different accounts of mine.