MSN Messenger BETA 7 Exploit


Jun 25, 2004
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a friend of mine, basically made a program, or something (i think found an exploit) where you can be the person ur chattin to, for example:

"badger says" hi son
"comrade says" hi dad
"comrade says" dad, got to tell you something, please dont shout at me or be angry..
"badger says" ok son, what is it?
"comrade says" wtf?
"comrade says" im gay :thumbs:

get the picture?

hopefully ill be stealing this toy off of him :) and this exploit hasnt been found by anyone else..
you replied pretty quick, i dont think id be able to release it out to public, ill try my best! :)
well, seeing as the beta is a leaked version... (not to mention beta)
it probably does have some coding issues.
Hazar said:
well, seeing as the beta is a leaked version... (not to mention beta)
it probably does have some coding issues.
er... not leaked, let you download it, at top right
Hazar said:
well, seeing as the beta is a leaked version... (not to mention beta)
it probably does have some coding issues.
How is it leaked when its available from the MS site?
Oops, guess it's not.

There was an older 7 that was leaked, I thought this was the same one...
I may seem stupid, but I haven't caught the exploit thing yet...
download messenger discovery for msn 6.2. it's basically the same thing with some other useful things...
What a crappy exploit..
Nothing like the AIM exploit that lets you force run exe files on someone comp.
this would just be something to have for fun, I miss the old days where msn messenger was so bare and easy to mess with :(
i dont get it, how is this fun?
Do u plan to bad mouth urself? or infect ur own system? i dont get it :eek:
haha i had something like that for msn 6. It was a file and you send it to them and when it goes into their recieved files it makes them say a rude word every minute. It was hilarious.
That's funny? I say that's kind've twisted. What would you want to pose as somebody for? It just screws up there life etc...
This exploit is pretty old, all it does is change your font to his and your nick to his with a certain code for just that specific message then change them back to what you had before.:P
Druckles said:
That's funny? I say that's kind've twisted. What would you want to pose as somebody for? It just screws up there life etc...
well.... duh! :rolling: that's the fun part.... :P
There's no exploit that doesn't allow you to write to someone ELSE posing as another person.

Say we have P1, P2, P3.
P1 can't write to P2 making it look like P1 is P3, because all you need to do is look at the conversation contacts email and thus see that it's not him.

So you can't really screw up their life lol...
I don't get it, meh Im not going to download it anyway. I hate updating msn messenger.
Heh, reminds me of dorms last year. My friends and I found a program that would pick up all MSN conversations on the network. We could listen into conversations in our entire building. Funny stuff. We never did anything big with was just funny. We also found a program that would just pick up usernames and passwords. It only picked up peoples' university email info, so we'd just mess with them sending email to their own accounts saying they're gay and whatnot.

EDIT: I don't even use msn messenger. I'm a Trillian guy. My high school friends use AIM, my college friends use I just use Trillian for both.
hehe, im on network with my bros laptop, please tell me where you found that "msn tracker on network" thing? :D LOL

and that 1 that makes you swear is good.

i want all these