muamar gadaffi:"christ wasnt cruxified,it was a look-alike..."


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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.....and he was send to the jews,mohamed was sent to all humans beings

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi invited hundreds of attractive Italian "hostesses" to a villa in Rome last night for an evening at which he urged them to convert to Islam and told them Christianity was based on a fraud, Italian reports said today.

The Libyan leader is in Italy to attend a United Nations summit on world food security. Reports said that Colonel Gaddafi's aides phoned an agency which provides elegantly dressed young women to act as hospitality staff at events.

The agency was asked to send 500 women to the residence of Hafed Gaddur, the Libyan ambassador in Rome, where Colonel Gaddafi is staying, over a series of evenings during the three day summit.

The agency advertised for "500 pleasing girls between 18 and 35 years of age, at least one metre 70 high." The women were asked to dress elegantly but soberly, with both miniskirts and cleavage-revealing decolletage firmly banned.
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Those who replied were offered €60 (£53) to attend an evening at the villa for an "exchange of opinions" and to "receive a Libyan gift", which turned out to be a copy of the Koran.

He then observed — to "general incredulity" — that Christ had not died on the Cross and been resurrected, as Christians believe, because the person crucified had been "a look-alike" who was substituted for the real Jesus.

"Convert to Islam. Jesus was sent to the Jews, not for you. Mohammed, on the other hand, was sent for all human beings," he reportedly said. "Whoever goes in a different direction than Mohammed is wrong. God's religion is Islam, and whoever follows a different one, in the end, will lose," Colonel Gaddafi added, according to La Stampa.

He said women must do only "what their physical condition allows them", and spoke about the role that women played during the Second World War. He claimed that in the West women "have often been used as pieces of furniture, changed whenever it pleases men. And this is an injustice." He then invited the women to travel to the Islamic holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

gadaffi: hmmp,now you will see at the end of the year how half the population will convert,muahaha*sips champagne whitout alcohol*
Women are used as pieces of furniture in the West? Ha. Maybe they should examine their own culture.
I wish women were used as piece of furniture. It would end this goddamn skinny culture as well. Nobody wants to sit on a woman who isn't chunky enough to support a man's weight comfortable.
Lol 'Jesus was sent for the Jews, not for you.' I'm not sure he realizes that Christianity wasn't around until Christ.

Anyways, crazy nutjob and whatnot.
I wish women were used as piece of furniture. It would end this goddamn skinny culture as well. Nobody wants to sit on a woman who isn't chunky enough to support a man's weight comfortable.
More like they sit on men, amirite?...guys?
So now I have to follow a dead man who had a 6 yr old wife instead?? I'm so confused!!! LOLOLOL
maybe they treath theyr furniture in a free way and let them do whatever they want and respect them a lot?
The agency advertised for "500 pleasing girls between 18 and 35 years of age, at least one metre 70 high." The women were asked to dress elegantly but soberly, with both miniskirts and cleavage-revealing decolletage firmly banned.
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Those who replied were offered €60 (£53) to attend an evening at the villa for an "exchange of opinions" and to "receive a Libyan gift", which turned out to be a copy of the Koran.

If I was him, I would have given them a proper "Libyan gift". But having seen Gadaffi's photo he might want to shell out more than £53.
"christ wasnt cruxified,it was a look-alike..."
Isn't that Islam's ideology. Whats new?
"christ wasnt cruxified,it was a look-alike..."
Isn't that Islam's ideology. Whats new?

Yeah, it is in the Qu'ran. No news here.

That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:- Nay, God raised him up unto the himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise.

Holy Qu'ran 4:157-158