Multiplayer map question


Aug 8, 2003
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Hi all, I'm a mapper and like many others I am eagerly awaiting the sdk for hl2. My question is this, what type of map would you like to see for hl2? Assuming there will be deathmatch and tfc included upon release, what do you think would be a fun map involving lots of physics usage etc. My idea so far is a junkyard with demolished cars and a huge crane that can lift heavy metallic objects as seen in the e3 vid. What map idea can YOU come up with? :p
How about a flipper that one player is playing and the other ones are the balls^^
2 words Dune Buggies. I want to create city 17 and drive around in Dune Buggies with ramps and other misc stuff.
Tadashi said:
How about a flipper that one player is playing and the other ones are the balls^^

LOL :LOL: Actually that would be pretty cool, a map laid out like a pinball table with large balls flying around everywhere, now THAT is a unique idea :thumbs:
I think it would be fun to play some sort of team sport with Manipulators and a headcrab... Manipulator Lacrosse, maybe, with the field set in a cluttered City 17 back alley.
I want to see a physics based map.... I know everyone does...

But it would be awesome to play regular death match but with things such as huge wreaking balls that are released when you press (Or purhaps shoot) a button, that then swing across the map! :O

Or a building on supports that will tilt one way if you shoot out one of its supports making everything inside tip over! :rolling:

Or purhaps buggys with ramps everywhere and loop the loops :thumbs:

ah... the possibilities... :bounce:
Ya I will probably make a small stunt map right away just to play around with the physics. Ill have a swimming pool with a diving board and a high dive platform. Definitely a wrecking ball on a chain/crane and a magnet crane like in the video. Also a couple of ramps with a loop, fire pit (gotta have fire) :p and a corkscrew jump (that would kick ass)
Just a new thought:
A Trap map, with falling logs, spears shooting out of walls and wreckingballs meeting your balls^^
Mmmm how bout a rollercoaster (wooden of course) I think a theme park map is called for. Step right up, shoot 3 balloons and win a stuffed headcrab. Man i seriously am looking forward to the sdk more than hl2 itself haha
stunting is cool the first time...and the 2nd time...and then it sux
Something that was done with the beta (no spoilers).

It's great how physics work... the thing starts balanced horizontally and when it speeds up, physics make the buggys hang outward if you know what i mean... and then the entire contruction lifts up vertically
I'd like to see Stalkyard from the original HL with moveable crates to throw around with the manipulator... ;)

Or perhaps an "Ice Climber" level where you have to compete who gets first to the top of a map with lots of different levels you can only reach by building your way upwards with items on the map... Would be hard to get anywhere with many players in that map though...
DeltaBlast said:
Something that was done with the beta (no spoilers).

It's great how physics work... the thing starts balanced horizontally and when it speeds up, physics make the buggys hang outward if you know what i mean... and then the entire contruction lifts up vertically

Holy Crap!! It's a virtual tilt-a-whirl!!! That's friggen awesome!! I wanna ride that...
Posting pictures of the leak is as bad like take a shit in Munros mouth, it's nothing like to do.
My idea for a map is to make an entire city made out of wood, so you can shoot a rocket at a building and it will collapse....if your CPU can handle it.
dream431ca said:
My idea for a map is to make an entire city made out of wood, so you can shoot a rocket at a building and it will collapse....if your CPU can handle it.
Cool idea. :thumbs: :smoking:
DeltaBlast said:
Something that was done with the beta (no spoilers).

It's great how physics work... the thing starts balanced horizontally and when it speeds up, physics make the buggys hang outward if you know what i mean... and then the entire contruction lifts up vertically

You should know the rules by now, no pictures from the leak. Consider this a warning.
I still wonder if many physics will be possible online. I think it will give everyone massive framedrops like in the CS : source movie when the barrels exploded.
DjBourgeoisie said:
Hi all, I'm a mapper and like many others I am eagerly awaiting the sdk for hl2. My question is this, what type of map would you like to see for hl2? Assuming there will be deathmatch and tfc included upon release, what do you think would be a fun map involving lots of physics usage etc. My idea so far is a junkyard with demolished cars and a huge crane that can lift heavy metallic objects as seen in the e3 vid. What map idea can YOU come up with? :p

Hmm, a fy_iceworld_hl2 :)

betcha noone here has played it. got it for cs during the winter season a few years back, really nice xmas mood to it, it actually put me in the holiday spirit. except u could go through all the presents and xmas trees and lights....:-\
but with hl2 itd be much prettier:)

oh...and definately he_glass_hl2
The possibilities are endless. As for the framedrop issue with physics useage, I dont really see it being a problem unless you have a buttload of things all moving around at once in the same area (20 barrels being knocked around etc) but thats just my guess. Another idea I came up with is a castle with catapults on the outside, lauch me inside please :p

*edit* ya i played xmas dust, as well as every other xmas themed cs map. Granted I never played them online, but instead coop with buddies vs podbots. Those were the days :thumbs:
Actually I think it would make more sense for most physics calculations to happen client side to cut down on the size of packets being sent. Assuming there's no randomization involved (...such as shooting in CS, where where you see the bullet hit something doesn't mean the server had the bullet there).

If it's true physics, then everything should fly the same on everyone's computer and calculation wouldn't depend on bandwidth, just cpu speed and your graphics card. Of course, they probably have randomizations or generic calculations which aren't exact, then once the physics begin, the server can calculate the first and final posistion and then send the final posistion to the clients. That way all the paths of objects can look different, but once they stop moving they're in the same place for everyone (some really large objects might require server side calculations, to prevent the object from blocking some people's views but not others).

That said, my ideas for a couple of maps can be found in the cool 'Physics Discussion' thread. I want to see if I can a make a perpetual motion machine, mostly. You could just have a big open area and then a bunch of balls hanging on strings where the players need to jump from ball to ball or something...I didn't really plan on it having to be a multiplayer map :p .
KurtCobain said:
A glass maze with just crowbar , smash ur way out ;)

There are already glass mazes. I would like to see maps like the ones from kreedz