Multiplayer voice comms - low quality?


Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone find the multiplayer voice really low quality and if there is anyway to improve it?

I guess it reduces the bandwidth (surprised how Multiplayer runs perfect smooth!) but a little quality wouldn't hurt.
Nope, not for me. Can hear everyone just the same as I can COD4 or Halo.
Weird, I was talking to 3 others today who all said it was low quality. Is it a setting or something?
Are you on Live or PSN? I haven't had any issues with voice comm on Live ever (apart from wishing you could set up private chat rooms outside of games that allow more than 2 people).
Mutley is on PS3.

Xbox live voice comms are perfectly fine.
Must be PS3 then, you lucky Live users you!
For those of you saying Live voice quality is fine... wtf? It's absolutely horrendous. It sounds worse than old-Steam voice chat.
Just on GTA, or in general? Because in general Live it some of the best I've seen (or heard or whatever).
Just on GTA, or in general? Because in general Live it some of the best I've seen (or heard or whatever).


Have you ever been in Ventrilo? TeamSpeak? Hell, MSN Messenger Voice Chat? XBL's voice quality is absolutely dreadful. I have to ask people sometimes more than once what they're saying because I can't understand it.
Maybe your headset? Xbox Live voice comms is fine for me - I mean fine as far as headsets go, anyway. Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Xbox Live... they're all universal to me, I can't really tell the qualities apart to be quite honest. Either way, I can hear fine except for when someone stutters from lag.

Have you ever been in Ventrilo? TeamSpeak? Hell, MSN Messenger Voice Chat? XBL's voice quality is absolutely dreadful. I have to ask people sometimes more than once what they're saying because I can't understand it.
Yeah, you're talking about stuff I use all the time, and I've never noticed any significant difference between any of them including Live. Are you playing the chat sound through your speakers, or through the headset?
I've used Ventrilo and Teamspeak for a long time... Teamspeak for years and years.

The Xbox live voice quality is perfectly fine and understandable for me, if a bit quiet a lot of the time.