Multiple Camera Problems


Feb 24, 2005
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I have, in my single player map, I have a point_camera named "Camera01" and a func_monitor brush with a name of "Monitor01" Ok, so heres my problem. I have another point_camera and another func_monitor brush with the monitor brush with a name of "Monitor02" and the point_camera with a name of "Camera02" Now, when I compile it, both screens show the same image, even though they are supposed to show two different rooms. Any ideas ?

You can only have one camera on at a time, but since your map is SP, it's just a matter of switching from one camera to the next.

So you could have a monitor with a button on it which switches from one camer view to the next. or you could create the illusion of having both cameras on simultaneously by putting the monitors in different rooms, and switching the cameras each time the player enters.
AWW!!! Only one camera at a time?? Damn. I was hoping to be able to mimic a hall of mirrors using multiple cameras.

Oh well...
