Multiple Installations of Win XP


Jun 20, 2003
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I have my own copy of Win XP Home and I ordered a new computer which is coming in a few days but with no operating system. I heard somewhere that you cannot install your legal copy of Win XP on more than one machine.. Is this true? Because, I am going to use the same CD key for my current machine (which I'm giving to my Dad) and my new machine. Is this possible? Just wondering because if not I'm going to have to look for another key or something..
anyone? I'm sorry for the bump but I need help D:
i think you can't install the same copy of XP more than 2 times. unless you call microsoft and tell them you bought their software and want to install it as much times as you want to (this should make them reset the times you installed XP and let you install it another 2)... of course, i could just be full of crap.. so you should wait for someone else to answer
Thats right. Windows XP Home and Pro will check your key with a database before it validates it. Software is a license, not a product you own. It's 1 copy per machine.

Only Windows XP has that protection. I know Windows 2000 isn't bothered by that activation mess.
You can buy a OEM version which costs less than Retail or you could just buy another license and use your current disk.
does that mean i can install in whatever number of machines i want? just as long as i install it only once per machine?? i ask this because i had to reinstall windows cause some system file got screwed up, and if my only 2 times theory is correct, and your buy again to use it theory is correct, i officially hate microsoft again..
Asus: So when I get my machine, will I not be able to install my legit copy of XP on my machine? Or will I not have a problem and be able to use it on my new machine and old?
^Ben said:
You can't use the same key for 2 machines.

Well that's pretty gay and is just going to encourage piracy if you ask me *hint*
You would have to contact Microsoft and tell them that you are installing your copy of XP on a new machine- this would mean that you wouldn't be able to use that license on the old machine... well, you could... it just wouldn't be a good idea to have it connected to the net... so buying another license would probably be the best thing.
I ment 1 machine per license. Said it reverse. Oops
That is how licenses work. You don't actually buy the software but purchase a license to use it under those conditions. You agree to it during the installation.
Yeah, you could pretty much have a copied Win XP CD, but have your own license and it would be ok
In theory, you could install on more than one computer, as long as its not connected to the internet (So microsoft couldn't detect signs of duplicating it on more than one machine). It has a 30 day trial limit though. At first I couldn't be bothered registering it, so I kept on resetting the clock to the day that I bought the OS. But it caught me out one day and I couldn't log on, so I just registered it.
I think it detects the CPU you have or something, so if you change the CPU, you have to reregister it to the new CPU when you reinstall or something... I could be wrong, and probably am:p
I heard it checks your hardware configuration, which would make sense because when I changed mobo's and CPU, I reformatted and after that it wouldn't let me register. I keep telling myself I'll call microsoft but I never get around to it....
if we upgrade, how can we convince XP or microsoft we are using the same computer, only better? call them or something»?
Windows XP can be activated 3 times before you have to call them.
If you change your hardware enough then you have to activate Windows XP.