Mushroom cloud spotted in North Korea

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Well, time for all of us to die... but remember kids, duck and cover!
Mr.Reak said:
Well, time for all of us to die... but remember kids, duck and cover!

Yes! Remember to hide under your desk! That will save you!
Wow.... thats insane. we probably won't know what the deal is for along time, if ever, too...
Lolerz, everyone on the west side of North america are facked if N.K. launches a Taepo Dong 2 missle at us.

Or an offshore 15 Kiloton Nuke Scud-B could destroy 90,000 people in Hollywood.
nw909 said:
Lolerz, everyone on the west side of North america are facked if N.K. launches a Taepo Dong 2 missle at us.

Or an offshore 15 Kiloton Nuke Scud-B could destroy 90,000 people in Hollywood.
North Korea would cease to exist in a matter of minutes if they tried that. Everyone's allowed nukes, i don't think Kim Jong Ill would be stupid enough to actually use them in an attack. Or would he....?
this might sound weird and off-topic but i ripped a huge fart when that missle blasted off
scatr99 said:
this might sound weird and off-topic but i ripped a huge fart when that missle blasted off
I found the sounds of the ship and missile quite funny .. I was laughing without really knowing why.
I'm sure that the US has some things that can stop that. They probably just won't tell us about it yet.
Moto-x_Pat said:
I'm sure that the US has some things that can stop that. They probably just won't tell us about it yet.
nuclear powered doctors and ballistic airports :)
Moto-x_Pat said:
I'm sure that the US has some things that can stop that. They probably just won't tell us about it yet.


Nuclear Utilization Targeting Strategy.

A nuclear strategy which relies on a countries ability to destroy another countries nuclear arsenel before it can launch.

In other words: Hit them so hard, and so fast, they cannot react and thier weapons are destroyed on the ground.

If you over estimate thier response time or your ability to hit them, your toast as well.

It's not crazy, its N.U.T.S.
I really don't think North Korea would wanna fire nukes at the U.S. .. that's what Bush wants people to think to get support for what ever war he decides to go to.

When you have nukes, they can do alot for you without you having to use them. For example: do you think america would go to war with NK once they build some nukes? definetly no.
This is just an example of how nukes benefit you.
hasan said:
I really don't think North Korea would wanna fire nukes at the U.S. .. that's what Bush wants people to think to get support for what ever war he decides to go to.

When you have nukes, they can do alot for you without you having to use them. For example: do you think america would go to war with NK once they build some nukes? definetly no.
This is just an example of how nukes benefit you.

Yes. According to that logic, China (or whatever country) should acquire nuclear and biological deterents as well.

Why are we so opposed against Iran having nuclear capabilities again? Shoot, I think the US should give a couple of nukes to whoever wants one. After all, it is only a deterent.
Well the world is going to end...

*runs off and changes name to Snake Plisken*
CyberSh33p said:
hmm... would that be so bad?
What a stupid ****ing thing to say. I should put you on a final warning just for that. Or better yet ban you.
only problem is most missile silos are equipped to withstand a close nuclear strike :)

edit: cool down fenric, t'was a joke...
The Dark Elf said:
What a stupid ****ing thing to say. I should put you on a final warning just for that. Or better yet ban you.

It was a joke. We are Americans. Even in our messed up society, California is the laughing stock of the nation.
blahblahblah said:
It was a joke. We are Americans. Even in our messed up society, California is the laughing stock of the nation.
rub it in why don't you :\
I won't take that bet, there just might be an actual threat there. ;)
I didn't find it funny and it sure didn't come across as a joke, not even a really bad taste one. It was just another juvinile comment aimed at the people who give you entertainment, some people can be ungrateful ****ers at times.
CyberSh33p said:
nuclear powered doctors and ballistic airports :)

...or nuclear powered airports and ballistic doctors :O
The Dark Elf said:
I didn't find it funny and it sure didn't come across as a joke, not even a really bad taste one. It was just another juvinile comment aimed at the people who give you entertainment, some people can be ungrateful ****ers at times.

But I really love my neighbors to the West. ;(
The Dark Elf said:
I didn't find it funny and it sure didn't come across as a joke, not even a really bad taste one. It was just another juvinile comment aimed at the people who give you entertainment, some people can be ungrateful ****ers at times.

I am sorry but.. how did you become a MOD? You really dont seem suited for the position..
The Dark Elf said:
I didn't find it funny and it sure didn't come across as a joke, not even a really bad taste one. It was just another juvinile comment aimed at the people who give you entertainment, some people can be ungrateful ****ers at times.
interesting coming from you...
sorry if the comment offended you, maybe you shouldn't take everything so seriously?

and sue me for not liking the vast ignorance of many celebrities out there, making vacuous comments about stuff that they failed in grade school and people actually take them seriously. Very few of them actually entertain me, at that.

and here you come out with "onoes he said blow up hollywood" and acting as if I was going to do the deliverance myself.

I'm rambling anyway, so I'll cut it off now.

kidrock: He became a mod a long long time ago, and does a lot of work as one and keeps the forums clean. I just think he may have anger problems :)
KidRock said:
I am sorry but.. how did you become a MOD? You really dont seem suited for the position..

Kidrock.. generally you should try avoid attracting the attention of a member of staff when your skirting around a permanent ban with not one but two other active accounts. I don't remember who banned you originally or why but the ban is there and so now are these. Don't try that again, you WILL be caught.

How's that answer your question?
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