Music creators


Apr 26, 2006
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Hey all, any good FREE music synthesisers/creators avaliable? Cheers.

Hmmm... There are certainly quite a few free trackers out there. A lot of them require your own samples, but more recent ones allow plug-in support and other goodies.

However, I wouldn't really call these intuitive. They can have a pretty steep learning curve (read the wiki page). Last time I tried one was years ago, so I have no idea how much more accessible they are now, or which one's the best. They may seem kinda cheap, but there are still artists who use them. Venetian Snares, for one. He uses Renoise, although it's not free.

Did You Know?
The soundtracks for UT and Deus Ex were composed with trackers.
You know, this really wants me to try a tracker again, if only just for fun.
trackers, christ. old school but difficult as ****! most sequencers are worth their price, but try something like jeskola buzz, heard its good.
Have you done much virtual studio stuff before piggy? If so I'd recommend you give Reaper a go. It's an up and coming, open source sequencer/editing program for PC (but it works on linux too I gather). Some people have given up with their main packages like Cubase which can cost hundreds and moved over to Reaper. Haven't used it myself yet but when I get a PS3 I'll be trying to get it to run on there. I'll link you to some cool free instruments and stuff if you want to go down that route