Music Editing Software

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
I want to try my hand at music editing on my comp and I was hoping for some suggestions that fit the following criteria: not too difficult to master, but not too simplistic that it's limited; effective; I'm mainly looking to mix together bits of songs/soundbites together; FREE.

hmmm, I use nero wave editor, but it comes with nero.
I've been using Nero wave editor which is good, but - and it's more than likely I'm just being a monumental retard - I can't see how to mix/overlay tracks. Inserting other files is all well and good, but that isn't exactly what I'm trying to do.

And cheersfor that links, Shens!
If I know what you're trying to do then here goes:

you can clip the peices of songs you want and do some fade in/out effects on the ends, and then you can insert the other peices you want.
Hazar said:
If I know what you're trying to do then here goes:

you can clip the peices of songs you want and do some fade in/out effects on the ends, and then you can insert the other peices you want.
Well, what I really wanted to do was put a capella vocals over an instrumental track.
Yeah use Audacity, It's FREE! I've tried the Adobe Sound editor which is just CoolEdit with Adobe stamped all over it and it's much better. Audacity all the way!
yea i use audacity, its the best thing i have found so far. i was wondering if anyone knows of any programs where it is possible to create your own drum beats/instrument sounds for free? i tried fruity loops, and tried to crack it, but in the process of downloading a crack, the all powerful Norton told me i had jsut aquired a few dandy trojans, but of course it coudlent fix that kinda turned me off fruity loops
audacity is also a program i use and it records great :) and i have converters to make it sound better w00t
I just read that supposidly you can layer tracks with one of the nero programs (it might be soundtrax) but I have yet to find out how.

But again, I haven't messed with soundtrax, so it very well could be that.
Yeah, soundtrax can do it. Its like a basic multi-track sequencer thing.
soundforge ACID music, just to add another to the pile. There's a free download over at Sony.
Hazar said:
I just read that supposidly you can layer tracks with one of the nero programs (it might be soundtrax) but I have yet to find out how.

But again, I haven't messed with soundtrax, so it very well could be that.
Well I used audacity and it worked really really well so thank you to everyone for their suggestions.