Music on a C64

You've never heard of chiptunes? Shame.

I love that song in the youtube video.

The music on this game is one of my all time favourite, i have the game, i have the machine, its right besides me =) ordered a prophet 64 the other day :afro: ( google it ) sadly i could not find a youtube link without the game playing
Me and my friend have a chip/bit-pop band, but we play mostly with gameboys and NES for the moment. We are building a synth based on the SID soundchip which is the soundchip for Commodore. I have no idea when it will be done though :)
I can't let this awesomeness die. The second song is possibly one of the best songs I've ever heard. I cant' stop listening to it!!
Blimey OctaMED, that brings back some memories...Dunno about chiptunes, but I always liked the tracker scene in my Amiga days, and in my humble opinion, the intro tune to Turrican 2 was one of the best examples.