Musicians and charities


Nov 19, 2004
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I recently heard that Steve Tyler the lead singer from aero smith would donate all he earns from now on to charity as he has got enough money to live on. I thought this was really good of him, no publicity, no fuss, just a really genuine gesture.

I got to thinking about how other rock stars approached charities, what with band Aid, live Aid etc.

Is it just me or does anybody else feels that certain stars jump on the charity band wagon, all be it with good intention? Kind of like a free bit of publicity.

Any opinions on pop/rock stars that appear to use charities to boost their own statues. Just self righteous publicity stunts or a genuine desire to help.

I know at the end of the day all these concerts, records have raised millions for the poor and needy and I applaud this, but can't help but feel certain stars use these events to their own ends.
Bono from U2 comes to mind. I totally hate that guy. I'm sure he does want to help, but there always happens to be a camera in his face whenever he's doing anything related to charity.

Pearl Jam are an amazing band with respect to charities, just check Google news and all you will see are stories about them doing benefits for so many different things.