Muslim lawyers will "burn alive" anyone who defends murdered 12 year old Christian


Jul 30, 2008
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slamabad (AsiaNews) - Because of the threats posed by the powerful Lahore Bar Association – an umbrella organization of city lawyers - no Christian or Muslim lawyer is ready to take on the defence in the murder of 12 year-old Shazia Bashir, it was reported yesterday by The Pakistani Christian association that deals with legal assistance.

The girl, of Christian faith, died on Jan. 23 as a result of violence - even sexual – at the hands of her employer, a wealthy and powerful Muslim lawyer in Lahore. The alleged murderess, Chaudhry Mohammad Naeem, is a former president of the Lahore High Court Bar Association. The girl, just 12 years old, had worked as a maid in the home of Naeem in the last six months.

Religious barbarism.

Wow - times like these that I love living in a First World country.
Wow, this is absolutely abhorrent. Hopefully somewhere an organization or administration will condemn them loudly enough so that justice is wrought against the people who did this.
Terrible, but I wonder how accurate the story is.
my best hopes are that hackers do something good and steal all the money this organization makes. lawyers are useless without paychecks
Saw this on Sankaku, pretty disturbing.
I think the fact that the acussed is a expresident of the association have to do more whit this rather that for the girl being christian

still you would see how they go in a uprage if a muslim person is at least hurt in a christian country
What kind of a grown man kills a 12 year old girl? Thats just sick! What could possibly drive him to do such a thing?
As RJMC said, her being Christian is probably irrelevant.

Still, that's some ****ed up shit, I hope this gets worldwide attention.
Get an atheist lawyer on the defense. Duh!

Yeah, but even then Atheist lawyers won't take up that case. Corruption is pretty rife in Pakistan, if someone takes out that atheist lawyer, a lot of money will change hands behind the scenes to make sure the murder stays hidden.

In regards to the topic, I agree with Monkey that she being a Christian may not have nothing to do with it.
Her Christianity probably didn't have anything to do with her murder itself, but defending her in court in Pakistan would kinda be like defending a black guy in rural Mississippi, 1960's edition.

It just complicates things.
Don't you think that their refusal to defend her is more due to him being a former president of the organisation than her being a Christian? I thought it was obvious.
Don't you think that their refusal to defend her is more due to him being a former president of the organisation than her being a Christian? I thought it was obvious.

More so, yes, but it's not entirely irrelevant.
