my beef with this men of valor wallpaper


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I know he is black (scars/debris less visible on flesh), but he still has his model quality hands and arms as if he had just had a day in the spa:

... correct me if im wrong but this is MOV's protagonist after a few battle hardened tours in 'nam... and judgeing from the gameplay videos he gets a bit messed up, the in game models of him show that. But this guy obviously havent spent much time on a Battlefield RECENTLY (dont want to offend people he may be a veteran they used) I know he is based on a real VET so i'm not dissing him, but this wallpaper is downright terrible :| I could do better arms/hands with photoshop and my skills with that are .00001%. (on his body). But MOV is aming imho I love the mp demo and flavor of the sp movies etc. site so far. In fact all the people in that wallpaper look like models on some cheesey zero dollar budget nam movie.. come on nice game but who does your concept photos... they're soo terrible quality arms :(
Also look at the soldier to the right. He's carrying a modern day M249 SAW. :o
Moto-x_Pat said:
Also look at the soldier to the right. He's carrying a modern day M249 SAW. :o

Is he also shooting it?

If so that's a loler
nw909 said:
Is he also shooting it?

If so that's a loler

You took the words right out of my mouth. I loled when I saw you say what I was gonna say. When my room mate heard me lol he started loling. Then the whole floor started loling to the sounds of the lols. It was loltastic.
Pressure said:
You took the words right out of my mouth. I loled when I saw you say what I was gonna say. When my room mate heard me lol he started loling. Then the whole floor started loling to the sounds of the lols. It was loltastic.
lol .
lol what a lolling thread


Sh4mp00 said:
that's horrendous.. im sorry but what the hell.. did they have shuzer do these or something :x :x

Wait, what?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Isn't that "saw" actually an M60 of that time period?
No, looks like a SAW to me, the M60 looks quite a bit different, this is especially evident in the grip, I've never seen an M60 with that kinda grip, and after cleaning and operatiing both, it definitely looks like an M249 SAW
Edit: I could be wrong, but if I am that's a very poor drawing, looking at it again it looks like a cross between the M60 and the M249, really bad drawing....
Well, its not a photo...Doesn't really matter anyway, its just a wallpaper. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about.

Its not a bad drawing either.