My birthday TOmmorow... july 16th

  • Thread starter Thread starter poisonspider098
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its my birthday tommorow the 16th or tonight at 12 technically

sweet 17 (does that count for men)
i can legally do nothing! auesome big step up i would just like to invite the entire world to my party which will be held in space

oh and im seriouly getting braces on my birthday is that some wack shiznit.......

ok flame me now........or .........tell me your expierience with braces even better

-happy birthday to me
Happy birthday for then!

I'm getting braces soon too! I can't wait, im so excited, they are gonna rock. They look so cool and I can't wait to have good teeth!
Happy Birthday :)

I am lucky enough not to require braces. Hope that helps ! :)
Well Happy birthday poisonspider098,

by my clock its now 2:11 in the morning, so it could be your birthday :P

anywho, i was meant to have braces, cos one of my front teeth were i hit it with a hammer (i was young and innocent i didn't know any better, and braces looked stupid back then, as in full face things :x) and put it back into place, it hurt like a hitting your tooth with a hammer...but i didn't need braces afterwards:cheese: (although it is still kind of crooked, but Pfft!)
I had braces a couple of years ago. My teeth wernt crooked it was just that one of them grew into my mouth. I had them for about 2 years or something. It was no fun.
Braces suck. Your all ****ed. Hope thats reasuring :P
I just got my braces off a week ago they sucked. It hurts when they put the spacers in before you get braces.
i havent had them before but id imagine its easy to get used to it.
Ps happy birthday!! wot u get ? (presents) :P
my bday is on the 26th :) :) I'm gonna be 16 :) happy bday :)

I got told I'll never need braces :)
Happy birthday. Although this is a little late but nevermind.

What country do you live in by the way?

I never needed b races, they once said i would but then my teeth straightened out themselves.

My birthday is on the 25th of october and precisely 4:40 PM, im going to be 18 and il legally be able to do lots of things! Man its so weird. I mean I'm going to be 18, its just......well, weird. Im getting a computer for my birthday, the day i will get to play Hl2. man that will rule.
hl2? well thats ok but i think a night of drinking sounds more fun lol. Have i commited a sin just then :(.

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