My Close Shave with the Mumps


Jul 2, 2003
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Right here's my story, I thought I'd tell you.

I met my mate back in April, and then he went back to Uni; a couple of days later he got Mumps.
So, I was worried I would get the Mumps too. I went to the doctor's to seek their advice - they gave me an MMR vaccine (according to my records I'd only had an MR vaccine before- Measles and Rubella), but warned it would not give me immunisation if I already had contracted the mumps.

I was too lazy to get the MMR when my university was doing mass vaccinations, which was idiotic of me. The incubation period of Mumps is 14 - 25 days from exposure, before developing a fever, swollen glands in the face and neck, and possible complications such as Meningitis and Orchitis.

So here I've been for 4 weeks, revising for my finals and worried I was going to get mumps, which may have prevented my from doing my finals.

I reckon I got a really mild case of the mumps actually - I had a slight headache and my salivary glands twinged with pain occasionally in the past week, but no swelling or fever. So I've probably infected a couple of people inadvertantly if that is the case.

But it's 28 days later now, the maximum possible incubation period, and no signs of swelling. So I'll breathe a sigh of relief, I didn't get any full symptoms (maybe didn't have it at all), my exams are starting in a few days.

My mate got the Orchitis condition - that's swelling of the testicles BTW, it affects 25% of males who get Mumps, and they end up like tennis balls apparently, and later they will shrink to a smaller size than they originally were - Permanently Atrophied and a slight chance of sterility if untreated, while being extremely painful, so my advice to everyone is GET AN MMR VACCINE, you don't want to go through the 3-4 weeks of worry I have been through. And by the sounds of the full blown symptoms, Mumps is not something I'd wish upon my worst enemies.

I reckon drinking a lot of water prevented me from developing it too - If you think you're gonna get Mumps, drink 10 litres of hot water a day.

In summary don't be a lazy Arse, if you haven't had an MMR vaccine yet, or only had one in your young age, DON'T TAKE THE CHANCE. Get an appointment with your local surgery/hospital and they'll sort you out. Do it now! Do it tomorrow morning! Don't wait until it's too late, seriously. There's an epidemic going on.
I had mumps just before my MMR jab. :|
The school started telling everyone scare stories to frighten everyone to get the injection. Didn't realise how serious mumps could get, luckily I didn't get anything extra, just mumps, although that was bad enough.
Wow, and I used to think mumps was one of those illnesses that sounds just scary enough to use in cartoons and kid's books and not bad enough to actually matter... yet another way society has failed me. :p
When i had that done back in school they gave us a pre test thingy with the 6 needles.
When i went back mine was different from the others and they said "oh your already resistant to it but we'll give you it anyway"
Not sure if that was MMR or not though.
We had those last year at school, but I never got permission to get it done so I didn't.. hmm
i have no clue what mumps are and im invincible so im good :cool:
Wow. I thought by the title, "My Close Shave with the Mumps," you were meaning like you were shaving when you had the mumps and cut off like all of your skin..
Heh, my friend got the mumps and they wouldn't let him work. They told him he was a danger to pregnant women. He carried on coming to college though, nobody cared really. Our age group being one of the most vulnerable due to the missing vacinations. But I think I had it when I was a baby, and eveyryone else was fine.
BlindTelepath said:
Wow, and I used to think mumps was one of those illnesses that sounds just scary enough to use in cartoons and kid's books and not bad enough to actually matter... yet another way society has failed me. :p

Yep, I thought society had failed me too... but then I remembered it was my own lazy fault. I thought "Meh, they're just hyping it up to scare everyone into getting jabs"
I didn't actually read up on it until after I suspected having it, which started my worry. A bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted (but later found the horse was hiding in the stable)

It's quite a scary disease for 25% of blokes who get it, and it is transmitted as easily as catching cold.

It's becoming somewhat of an epidemic in the UK, so I recommend everyone get the vaccine. You might as well, I think the only people excluded from needing it are the people who are sure they've actually had mumps before, or who are sure they've had the vaccine TWICE before.
If you're not sure how many times you've been jabbed, get it again, there's no harm in a booster.

short recoil said:
When i had that done back in school they gave us a pre test thingy with the 6 needles.
When i went back mine was different from the others and they said "oh your already resistant to it but we'll give you it anyway"
Not sure if that was MMR or not though.

I'm pretty sure that's the Tuberculosis jab.

Shamrock said:
Wow. I thought by the title, "My Close Shave with the Mumps," you were meaning like you were shaving when you had the mumps and cut off like all of your skin..

Lol, that would have made a better thread.. :E
I got my jab when it was going around my Uni. one of my old school mates got it, i dont particulary get on with her so i just laughed, she was sent home to stop it spreading :D

I didnt know the testicles got that big... but woah, im glad i didnt get it. Life would be hell with testicles that big, think of the pain when you sat down... or did anything actually.
kirovman said:
My mate got the Orchitis condition - that's swelling of the testicles BTW, it affects 25% of males who get Mumps, and they end up like tennis balls apparently, and later they will shrink to a smaller size than they originally were - Permanently Atrophied and a slight chance of sterility if untreated, while being extremely painful.
Good God...I don't even live in the UK and I want to get the vaccine now..

oldagerocker said:
I got my jab when it was going around my Uni. one of my old school mates got it, i dont particulary get on with her so i just laughed, she was sent home to stop it spreading :D

I didnt know the testicles got that big... but woah, im glad i didnt get it. Life would be hell with testicles that big, think of the pain when you sat down... or did anything actually.

Yeah apparently they get that big for about a week or so, but after, the sickness they will shrivel up to half their original size permanently. :x
So that's one of the reasons why it's important to get the jab. Or get the actual disease while you're a kid, when it's not so dangerous.

Funny how the government gave the vaccines to kids younger than 1987, but forgot about our age group, the ones who would be affected most by it.
kirovman said:
Yeah apparently they get that big for about a week or so, but after, the sickness they will shrivel up to half their original size permanently. :x
So that's one of the reasons why it's important to get the jab. Or get the actual disease while you're a kid, when it's not so dangerous.

Funny how the government gave the vaccines to kids younger than 1987, but forgot about our age group, the ones who would be affected most by it.

Saving the next generation. :thumbs:
I really dread what the world is going to be like when this generation of kids grows up to control it...