My comp temps.


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I have amds cool n quiet but idk if i should use that, anyway here's the deal:

My system runs considerably low for a processor of its speed, on doing regular things like IE, aim, and other low required things, at mobo temp: 29c and cpu temp: 44-49c. however, as soon as i load a game, anything from the incredibly old ff7, all the way up to ut2k4, it heats up to nearly mobo temp: 37c, and cpu temp 57c. What the hell is the problem? Why does it burn up when playing games so much?playing cs, 3 minutes into the game im at 58c on the cpu. 58c must be terribly high for a cpu, and i dont feel like my processor shorting out on me after spending the money i did for it. any suggestions?
welll my 58 is high for alot of chips. but im pretty sure it can handle it i beilbe the bartons can go up to 80 before failing. and since the 64's do put out alot of power. but im not completly sure since i havent had a chance to work with any of the new 64's but i think your ok. but wiht the mobo temp. ive never seen that great of change. but yet agian its a more powerful system.
lol it goes up to 58 when playing cs. lol im sorry but a p2 450 can run that game without overheating. Trust me it can I would know.
CS is really no less demanding on a graphics card/CPU than a DX9 game (in terms of heat output). It's CPU intensive, and uses the graphics card. Just because it's old doesn't mean it won't heat your system up
I doubt it.
seriously man I was running cs on a p2 450 with a radeon 7000 up untill 4-5 months ago when I stopped playing. The FPS were around 45. The computer never overheated. The only fans in the case where the ones on the cpu and power supply. It shouldnt be any more demanding on the system now then it was a couple months ago.

I dont know if this works with socket 939 but it would be a great hs (if you dont care about noise)
Just look at the temps and compare it to yours.
blackeye those temps are insane.......if i bought that id be set, but itd void my 3 year warranty on the cpu....hmmm...decisions idk if it works with S939
Try watercooling, since you have so much money to have a rig like that :P it's nice and quiet and CPU temp won't be an issue.
My CPU sensor claims it's at 53C right now. As long as it is below 70C you are fine. What the CPU temp. is does not matter, just stability.
Guinny, you have the fastest CPU and it has a dual memory controller on the CPU. That is a pretty good temp. actually. Especially if you are using the stock heatsink. ;)

Besides, you don't even know if the senor is telling the correct temp. I know mine isn't.
Just more temps to compare here. Xbit labs was runing their fx-53 at 38 degrees idle and 60 on full load.
asus- thats another thing, it could be even hotter than what its reading!
blackeye- thanks
No, it would be specifically set low for safety. It isn't a malfunction. hehe
blackeye said:
I doubt it.
seriously man I was running cs on a p2 450 with a radeon 7000 up untill 4-5 months ago when I stopped playing. The FPS were around 45. The computer never overheated. The only fans in the case where the ones on the cpu and power supply. It shouldnt be any more demanding on the system now then it was a couple months ago.

The reason a P2 450 won't overheat while playing games, even with a crappy cooling configuration, is those chips don't get anywhere as hot as modern CPUs. I had a P3 800MHz that never got above 35ºC with a stock HSF

CS will make your CPU/GPU hot/ter regardless of your system
AMD Bartons can go up to 85C before they start getting damaged.
Well, i have a AMD 2400 and it runs at 47 idle!! :O, and 53 when playing games.

And ive purchased a new fan/heatsink, put thermal paste on it, and a new case fan...but nope, still stays at 53 playing games...but yeah, whatever. It has to go ALOT higher than that to acctually do damage, so...
Usually there is a utility that comes with your motherboard.
Got a Barton 2600+, my CPU temp right now? 57ºC!!!!!! I got in touch with AMDs support and they say that as long as you are under 85 you're fine. But I must confess, this temps still freaks me out.... I reformed all my cooling lay-out, took some cbles out of the air's way, but it's still the same....
lol, my prescott runs at 65 degrees celcius when playing CS, it runs at about 50 degrees celcius while idleing its nothing to worry about
my laptop's p3 gets to 91 and doesn't turn off! (the fan is broken)
so would consider my 36-37c idle and around 42-45 c load good? i could oc my a 64 3000+ to 2.2 ghz...i just dunno how stable and if it would overheat?

my comp has only froze in ut2k4 and halo...without OCing so im undecided if i should oc, and if i will get some sort of boost?
Well vez, there's only one way to find out.....
But if you're gonna do it go slow, reeeeaaaaaal slow. Think of it like you're Nick Park and you're animating a whacky scene for wallace and gromit- move one thing(just a tiny amount) then take your shot, or in your case up the speed a tiny amount then benchmark the bollocks off it as soon as you start to get any glitches drop the speed a coupla notches to something that was def stable.

As for temperatures if anyone is worried about them or worried that whatever program you're using to view them isn't showing them right, here is a tip-
stick your hand either on the side of the pc tower where the chip is or on the heatsink (with the side of pc removed!(unless you've got really slender hands you can fit thru the vents :eek: !)). Now here is the important bit, if you have to get a spatula to scrape your cooked flesh off whatever your touching- you have a cooling problem, if not your CPU should be just fine ;)
My Athlon XP 3200+ is around 43C° @ idle and max. 55C° when playing Games.

I use a Thermalright SLK800-U and an YS-Tech adjustable fan @ 3200 rpm. Additionally i use four of the same fans for air-flow in my Chieftech (usually i turn them down or half power).
I might get it cooler - but it'll get too loud :)

ps: my old CPU(XP1800) ran @ 65-70 C° for Years ;) - Only Far Cry heatet it up too much so I had to upgrade...