my computer broke down


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
hey guys the last couple of weeks have had quite some turmoil. my computer broke down for apparently no reason this easter week, something to do with the fan that then affected the rest of the computer (i tried switching with a friends fan with the same model but it still didn't work). it'll probably be a while before i get back, i'm writing this on a school computer. it's boring being without the computer, partly internet fun and music making :(
tough beans man. Well now you can get something better! (unless that thing was a recent fortune)
no it wasn't, it's like 3-4 years old and its best before date has passed, i dunno whether i'm glad to get rid of it or not. just dunno when i'll be able to get a hold of a new one.

basically the fan has been making occasional ruckus and noise over a couple of months, and i guess it was just a matter of time before it died. as i said i tried switching it just yesterday and it still didnt work so the rest of the comp must have been affected in some way or the other. i guess my guitar skills have improved and i'm working out more, and getting just as hammered during the weekends as i usually do (almost got in a fight with this huge 25 year old last weekend, that was pretty scary!)
could work, could work. but i dunno. i need to get new clothes, save up money for festivals and shit

what i hate the most is that i can't listen to all the music i like, i'm stuck with being dumbed down by mtv (i'm starting to really like shows like next, dirty sanchez, pimp my ride, something must be seriously wrong with me). i have a few cd's hanging around with zeppelin and cash and stuff but i'm really aching for some good electronic music.. i play around with my microkorg synth alot though.