my computer dont start,a blue screen appears


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
my computer got borked

I am in a cybercafe

when it start,when the windows logo appears whit the litle loading bar down,it crash,a blue screen appears in asecond and it just reboot

Before it gets to the Windows logo when booting up, hit F8 and go into Safe Mode if you can. Does that work? If so then it is probably a driver or service that is causing the issue (safe mode doesn't run that extra stuff).

Can you reboot and do the F8 thing again but this time pick "last known good config"?
Before it gets to the Windows logo when booting up, hit F8 and go into Safe Mode if you can. Does that work? If so then it is probably a driver or service that is causing the issue (safe mode doesn't run that extra stuff).

Can you reboot and do the F8 thing again but this time pick "last known good config"?

Yeah I second that; its most likely a driver causing the crash.
Like Asus told you; boot into safe-mode and (Hopefully) Windows Error Reporter will tell you the reason. Otherwise, log into Windows administrative tools and, check the "event viewer" while in Safe Mode.

Good Luck.
As has been suggested check the event viewer but also post the stop error you are getting. If you have access to a digital camera the easiest thing would be to take a picture of the blue screen and upload it here.

Do you have access to system restore? Just hit no when you get into safe mode, this might be the simplest way to restore your computer.
the safe mode appears automatically before the crash,but when I choose the safe mode some leters and numbers appear in the bottom of the screen and it restart whitout showing the windows logo

and dont have digital camera
I used to get that a lot, it was caused by a faulty video driver. Fix the driver, you should fix the problem.
I remenber a error mensage appeared when my brother tryed to open the C: once,but things functioned normally after the error mesaje

forgot to say that
i had a slightly similar problem and after 2 days and an accumulated time talking to a dell tech of about 6 hours i had to replace my hard drive
I remenber a error mensage appeared when my brother tryed to open the C: once,but things functioned normally after the error mesaje

forgot to say that

Post the error messages you get on the blue screen. I know there are long but we mostly need the stop error messages. The are something like 0x0000F , normally you will have at least 2 of these, maybe more. Post them here. Sometimes it will even tell you the file the error occured, if thats the case post that. If you are using a computer off site for this the easiest thing you can do is write down everything it says and post all of it here, I know that sucks but it will ensure you don't miss anything important.

If you don't have any important files on there and you have the original XP cds (there should be no reason you wouldn't ;) ) reformat by reinstalling windows and removing the partition you are on. I'm sure you will be able to find tutorials to do this on the internets, print them and follow them word for word.

I have a hard time believing its a virus as viruses these days tend to keep the computer functional so they can spread themselves using SMTP and other methods. You kill the computer you kill the virus as it can not spread. Its most likely a driver issue but it could be a software issue too, look back at what you installed right before this started happening.
my computer got borked

I am in a cybercafe

when it start,when the windows logo appears whit the litle loading bar down,it crash,a blue screen appears in asecond and it just reboot


I've had this problem before. For me it occured when I didn't unistall my previous drivers from my HDD before using my HDD with my new Mobo, Graphics card etc.

The only advice I can give you is:

If you are using your HDD with newer hardware, revert to old hardware, then go into windows and unistall drivers for them. After thats done, go into windows with new hardware.


Reformat your HDD