my computer went fubar :(


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Well I was trying to load up some pics that were saved to my desktop with photoshop (tried changing the way it opened and makeing it open in dif. ways) vai the properties menu for the shortcut. And shortly after every exe... well hell basically everything on my desktop I clicked just opened up photoshop.. shortly after I decided maybe PS was makeing things fubar so Ideleted the adobe folder. This resulted in all exe's and some other files (almost everything) saying that they dont exist! with the classic error popping up :( do I have to reformat ?? wtf is going on... im scared :x :x I cant open up anything.. it says the path isint available.. worse yet even things int he control panel dont work anymore.. I have never seen an error so wierd... I also noticed when inserting the windows home or pro cd's and trying to do a fresh install. they failed to boot the installation process.. it just stood at the auto run menu and I couldent click install.. the other options work but they only enabled me to go to a windows compatability site.. which I then redirected the browser here. It's wierd firefox and IE work when hyperlinked in certain ways or somthing.. omg my computer is seriously fsecked up for somer eason ):
System Restore before anything....happened on my sister's computer, similar anyway, I did a system restore to a few days earlier and it worked fine....only reformat if that doesn't work.
h4vvok said:
System Restore before anything....happened on my sister's computer, similar anyway, I did a system restore to a few days earlier and it worked fine....only reformat if that doesn't work.

when I click the button for system restore I get the message

The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.


thanks for the advice though.
even when I click the fugin clock it says

The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.

I search for rundll32.exe revealed this (about 12 of them)

and then regular

rundll32 in C\windows\system3d

seems .exe's in any form dont work.. I just downloaded one with no avail.
Just backup vital stuff onto a CD or another HDD and format :D

Or bung the XP cd in and do a repair
simmo said:
Just backup vital stuff onto a CD or another HDD and format :D

Or bung the XP cd in and do a repair

probably what il have to do :(

except when I click would you like to install windows xp nothing happens.. so this virus must have really screwed things up
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
probably what il have to do :(

except when I click would you like to install windows xp nothing happens.. so this virus must have really screwed things up

Do you not listen to me? My brother has a dell, call them,they have helped fixed his pc several times...THEY WILL HELP OUT!
Does anyone know any other method that might work, they are usually of no help to me.
simmo said:
Just backup vital stuff onto a CD or another HDD and format :D

Or bung the XP cd in and do a repair
Haha... bung... wtf... :laugh:

Can you get to the properties of the .exe files? If so, does anything look funny?
Did you install anything recently? I remember a few years ago some app I installed did something just like that where all the .exe files had just crapped out on me. Back then I didn't know jack but see if you did install anything and try to unistall it.

Another thing could be is that you accidently told the properties to open .exe's with photoshop. When you said you deleted it did you unistall it?
I think this is gonna take a reformat... how do I set bios to boot from cd-rom!?
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I think this is gonna take a reformat... how do I set bios to boot from cd-rom!?

Put in your Windows cd first, then reset the computer. Hit Del,F1,F2,F10 or whatever lets you go to bootup/bios setup. Then once you reach the bios go to Advanced Bios settings. Somewhere in there it will have a boot order. It should go IDE0/HDD under First Boot Device then maybe CD-ROM. Change the First Boot Device to CD-ROM. Save settings and reset. You should boot up next time first looking for a start up disk and should start up Windows installation.
Before you go through with a reformat, I'd do like Simmo suggested and try to do a repair first. Also, by deleting the Adobe folder, you didn't really uninstall it... try that before anything.