...my dad just died


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
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I can't sleep, I have a headache and a stomach cramp that won't go away, my eyes won't stop swelling with tears and I just feel... hollow.

It was in the afternoon and he was in the living room with me, my mom and their landlord(who's also their neighbor) and we were just talking about the football game from lastnight when all of a sudden he cuts off mid-sentence, he slumps to the side and starts twitching.
Scariest ****ing moment of my life, chaos ensued I grabbed the phone and called 911 while the landlord starts doing CPR and shit I can't even remember now it was all a god damn blur.
Went to the hospital and waited 10 minutes, he was DOA and we all knew it... the doctors said how sorry they were and I just can't comprehend any of this... I just can't.
I mean he was only 64 and my sister was coming down from Massachusetts tomorrow for a vacation but now I just don't know I can't think... this all happened so ****ing suddenly.
**** dude i'm so sorry, that's terrible...

i know there isn't anything that could possibly make you feel 1 iota better right now but just know we are here for support if you need it.
I am truly sorry for your loss. I hope you try and keep your spirits up, Lucid. I'm sure everyone here shares a little bit of your pain. Right now it's important you just reach out to those who are closest to you.

This all sounds so impersonal but I really am so sorry.
Wow, that a is truly terrible experience, I am very sorry.

Just hang in there and allow your mind to clear up a bit, I'm sure it feels all surreal.
I'm really sorry to hear of your loss Lucid. You just experienced my worst nightmare, and I'm sorry you had to go through it this early. We all have to go through it, thought not in the extra terrible way you experienced. I know I will never be ready for it.

Sorry again. :(
God, thats awful, I'm sorry to hear that Lucid. As everyone said, we are here for you if you need anything (we are a community afterall).
I've been with my mother most of the day but we're both so exhausted right now but we can't even sleep.
My sister's having a psychotic breakdown and blaming herself, she's at a crisis center in Boston now... my brother's keeping his cool and I've been on the phone with him the most since we were both pretty close to my dad.
I'm only on here since she's talking to her friends and I'm just spent I can't even do a ****ing thing about this... I keep hoping it's all just a bad dream.
Man, I just got him into Lost and we were both looking forward to the new season and now he's gone and I just can't picture watching it without him.
He was so ****ing stubborn about going to the hospital even when we kept hounding him about it, he was complaining about acid reflux type pains in his stomach for about a week but a week prior to that he had a mini-heart attack of sorts that wasn't too serious and yet he still didn't call his doctor or anything.
My mom tried calling them for him and made an appointment but he didn't want to go.
God damn it why'd he have to be so stubborn...
My deepest sympathy for you and your family. Be strong and be thankful you have your family to help get through it.
Damn dude. I'm so, so sorry. I feel so cut off, not being able to really do anything for you. I couldn't even imagine how you are feeling right now. I'm so sorry.
So sorry to hear that, Lucid. My mom recently had a small heart problem and its nerve wracking to say the least. I cannot even fathom what you are going through right now though. What do you remember best about your dad?? Whats the earliest memory you've had of him?? I hope you and your family can get through this smoothly but its going to take time and healing. If you need anything we're here for you.
I have no words for you. "Sorry" doesn't cut it. A situation so extreme such as yours deserves more than anything this forum, or anyone, or anything could possibly give you. All I can say to you is be strong for your mother and for your family. They need you now more than ever.
Good Lord. I am very sorry for your loss. I was just as bewildered and heart-shaken when my own dad died a little over a year ago.

We don't know each other very well, but for what it's worth, you have my sympathy and my empathy.

edit: as others have said previously, be strong, and remember the life you got to share with him, both during childhood and during recent days.
I think all of us are here for you, would do anything to try and help you out.

Its not something anyone should see ever...

Be strong and I hope it all gets better.
I won't even bother saying my condolences or anything apologetic. It's meaningless in the face of that.
You have my heartfelt condolences Lucid. I can't even begin to imagine what that would have been like. Stay strong, and be there for your sister. She'll need you guys more than ever right now.
So sorry dude, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you and your family right now, but hang in there and try to be there for one another. :(

Do they know what caused it? If you don't mind me asking, of course.
I feel for you Lucid. My Dad died 4 weeks ago, it's tough going though it.
Sorry to hear this Lucid, this is a time where stress & pain is going to hit with full force, hang in there man.

Look to those who can help you get through this, there nothing to ashamed about.
I'm real sorry to hear something like that happened. I think it's also one of my worst nightmares that some family member might die, I never stop thinking about the possibility and I think that will make it worse...only thing I can say is try to be as strong as you can for yourself and your family.
Jesus Lucid, I'm sorry :( when I read the thread title in the listing I immediately flashed back to posting my own such thread about my mother a year and a half ago, and I remember how awful and empty and mutedly shocked I was then like it was yesterday.

It sucks, and it's going to keep sucking - a lot. But you'll make it through it, and it gets better with time. I know what you're going through, and if you want to talk to someone about it send me a PM. I'm really sorry for your loss, be strong for your family but not too strong - if you bottle all that up inside you you'll explode. Just take it a day at a time and hang in there.
Sorry for your loss Lucid ,my Condolences.

I cannot imagine how you are feeling.
That's terrible, especially in that matter. It's one of those things that you'll always remember no matter what (I lost a parent and an uncle fairly quickly in one year), it truely is an awful experience, like said, you'll always remember. Remember though, to stay strong.
I'm so sorry man. My dad is about the same age and has heart problems, so there's always a tiny part of me that jumps in fright whenever my mom calls unexpectedly.

There's really nothing I can say here, but my thoughts are with you.
I'm very sorry to hear that Lucid. Even though things may seem like shit now, it will get better, it always does.
Dude, everyone here is here for you. That is horrible man, I'm really really sorry.. Any idea what it was that happened?
Its in moments like these that you will feel the most lost you will ever be in your life. And its also the one time where everyone else feels that no matter what they say, it will feel futile when weighted against what has happened.

Im so sorry for your loss, nobody should really have to go through losing a parent. And I cant even imagine what its like for parents to lose a child.

The only thing I guess I can say, something that not many people do as its an inconvenient truth, is that life is unfortunately life. Yes its an awful thing to go through, but the sooner you realise that..well..it was always going to happen, and that it has now happened, you can move on much more easily.

If anything, just know that you WILL feel better in time. How much time that takes is completely up to you.

I for one am completely dreading the next 15 or 20 years, when I expect my parents (mainly my mother, afterall cigarettes are so good for you) to pass on.

But I know it is coming, and its all about how you deal with it once its happened. The sooner you get the reality check slapped into you, the better you will be psychologically. There are so many people that keep things like this locked inside, to the point where you dont recognise that person anymore.

Little things help. Take the emotion out bit by bit. If you feel like bursting into tears, then do it. If you feel you cant talk to another family member, then thats exactly what you should be doing. If you put things off, youll be worse off for it.

Its always going to be bad, but how bad, again, is upto you.

I hope this doesnt come across as uncaring and uncalled for, you have my condolences, I just feel that sometimes a simple, boiled down look at reality is exactly what some people need.
I'm very sad to hear this, Lucid. My condolences to you and your family during this painful time.

My father also had a heart-attack while watching a football game. At least he was doing something he loved. What I mean is that at least you weren't in the middle of an argument or something, and were on good terms. It might be less painful if you weren't close, but you wouldn't want it to have been that way.

My deepest sympathies for you. Try and get plenty of sleep every day and stay close in touch with your family for support. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
That really, really sucks Lucid. As others have said life can be relentlessly cruel at times but as much as it hurts now just remember you will come out stronger from this experience and you still have a brother and sister to fall back on, so make sure you all support each other as best you can.
Sorry for your loss. Don't worry, you'll get through it. We all do eventually.
wow, man im so sorry for you loss. I cant even comprehend what it must feel like.


Stay strong
My condolences Lucid. You know how stuff like this can be, and you just gotta get through it and support the many others who will go through it too someday.
I feel awful for you Lucid. I know that not much I say will help, but know that I am thinking of you and that a lot of other people on this forum are too.