my DELL :o


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
its a pentium 4 2.4 ghz
512rd ram
radeon 9700pro

what do you guys recommend I do to get the latest games running smoother.. I.E if I want CS:S to run without a hitch what do you think I should upgrade to get things flawless :| I know I dont have the best but what should I upgrade!? The problem is rambus uses an entirely different type of motherboard so I cant switch over to sd.. which is better for pc's.. also I cant upgrade my processor because well the mb and such are designed for rd ram as well ): I guess I may be stuck buying a new computer after a couple a' years. I are relatively broke though.
512rambus? Interesting.....Anyways, should go for a 9800 Pro 256mb card or something.
rdram is this bullshit dell used for about a month and pushed really hard.. a bunch of people have it and no games are optimized for it.. it's really nothing that should have ever touched the pc.. anyways yeah I thought about maybe saving up for an x800 but maybe I should get more memmory first.. or maybe just a new pc X:

rd ram :
If anything, you should upgrade your RAM to 1 GB.

Your graphics card and processor should be more than enough to run HL2, CS:S, Doom3 at high detail settings and 1024 by 768 resolution.

[Edit]: Don't know much about RAMBUS, but I think it will be an expensive upgrade. Also, upgrading to a 9800 Pro isn't worth it. A 9800 Pro is only 15% faster than a 9700 Pro.
Doubt that dell has the power to power any X800, maybe the X800 SE put that would be it. Just upgrade memory, FarCry with 1gb ram owns, maps load so fast on my pc, I love it :)
If you're broke and thats how much ram costs, looks like you are sorta stuck :P
Holy Sh!t Its Over 500 Bucks.... F Rd Ram In The A!!!!!!

and 230 for 256... oh well looks like no matter what I gotta spend cash.. but im still not sure the best way to approach this :rolling:
$500 for a GB of RAM!!!! I would stick with what you have and save that money for a new computer in a year or two.

Is your motherboard a standard ATX or a "special" Dell motherboard?
blahblahblah said:
$500 for a GB of RAM!!!! I would stick with what you have and save that money for a new computer in a year or two.

Is your motherboard a standard ATX or a "special" Dell motherboard?

special pos dell motherboard :| :| :| :|

edit: I wish I could disturbed but I dont have the foggiest idea how.. I cold order a case and all the parts and I would just end up breaking them trying to put it together.. even if its simple.. but maybe il just end up doing that :frog: wish I had the money.. alienware and falcon and those are kinda pricey and they scare the loving crap outta my dad
Don't buy a pre-built, build your own, get what you want and shit, plus a lot cheaper. I am sure you can build one without breaking it, hell I even built one ;P
As long as you take the time to research about hardware, building a computer is fairly easy.

If you are to scared to build your own computer, there are a lot of other companies that build gaming rigs that rival the cost of building one yourself. There are some reputable companies out there like Monarch Computers, and ABS Computers that will build you a good system for a good price.
headcrab, I know how you feel.

I just recently got rid of my Dell.

I had a Precision 330 workstation, P4 1.3ghz with that damned rambus RAM. It was supposedly REALLY fast RAM compared to what was available at the time, but as you have found out, it is expensive as all hell.

So, I bought an AMD mobo, processor, and new ram. I didn't bother with a case or power supply because I figured I'd just gut the dell case, since it was a nice case.. all modular and stuff... BUT NO!!!! Dell had to make their mobo an extra 4 inches long... and the power supply didn't even have the ATX 12V plug!!! I was like what the ****over???

So I ended up having to get a crappy case and power supply because I had already spent all my money on the motherboard, proc and ram.

Then the crappy power supply died, so I decided to shell out some more money and get a decent one.

Don't waste money on the rambus crap... it's not worth the money... save what you'd spend on the upgrade and put it towards a new box! :thumbs: :cheers:
I have the same problem as you (got the dell). But I'm getting a brand new computer soon. P4 2.8, R9800 Pro, 512 DDR, 420W PSU, and a 800mhz fsb Asus MB
Yea, my friend got a Dell and it just blew because he couldn't upgrade anything. Dell really shafts you.

One time my friend wanted me to reformat his computer because he didn't know how. So I did and everything was goin good. I started downloading drivers for his graphics card, which was some Nvidia one, and the computer started freakin out after I did. Well it figures Dell wanted him to use special Dell drivers for it and we had to fix that little problem.

bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I need a new comp /cry

I've got one for sale :P.